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The dance starts at 8 o'clock. Katie, Leanne, Hermione, Ginny, and I were all in our dorm doing facials. I was sitting on my bed with a peel-off mask, reading a book. Katie and Ginny were singing songs around the room. Leanne and Hermione painting each other's nails. 

"Who is showering first?" asked Katie

"Me,"I said quickly

I grabbed shorts and a tanktop. Before heading to the bathroom. 

 I used my coconut shampoo and strawberry body wash. As I let the conditioner sit in my hair, I did the whole 9 yards; shampoo, conditioner, body wash, scrub, shaving, face mask, lotion, and a whole lot more. I danced around and wrapped myself in my towel before getting out of the shower. I brushed my teeth as I was getting dressed. Once I was dressed, I walked out to my room,"Whos next?" 

"Me," said Ginny pushing past me 

 I dried my hair; the girls and I danced around the room and laughed and had fun. I started curling my hair when everyone got done showering. I helped Ginny do her makeup as Leanne helped Hermione. After getting their hair and makeup ready I worked on myself

I worked on my makeup.I worked on my nails and colored them black.  After 2 hours and a lot of fixing, I finally finished;

  After 2 hours and a lot of fixing, I finally finished;

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I placed on the locket my dad got me. I wore some gold rings and a gold bracelet and anklet. I grabbed my dress and started getting dressed

 I grabbed my dress and started getting dressed

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The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now