Chapter 43

44 2 6

Hiiii! Monthly update for you xD

This flashback is in the third person. I originally had it in the first person of Levi like I did at the very beginning of this story, but decided to change it last minute so if you see any errors regarding the POV switch please excuse those!

Even as I've been posting, since these chapters are all done, I still go in and change a few things 'cause I'm never satisfied with my work lolol life of a perfectionist.

Excuse any errors.

Enjoy <3


——— F L A S H B A C K ———


"What do you want?"

"You've been staring off into space ever since we got on this thing," Hanji says as she takes a seat next to her friend. "What's on your mind?"

What was on his mind was yesterday, well last night. He and Ash had shared their heartfelt goodbyes, well in her words it was more of a 'see you later' than a 'goodbye'.

It was the first time he had seen her breakdown like that.

Sure she had cried over sad movies and books, or sometimes when she was extremely happy, but nothing like this and it pained Levi to see her like that because he was the reason.

Levi had seen his mother a few days prior and even then she didn't cry as much as Ash did.

Honestly, Levi was fine when he walked Ash home. It wasn't until he saw how hard she was crying for him and that she wouldn't look at him because she was embarrassed, that he pleaded with her to look at him so she too could see that he was also emotional. Of course, he wasn't going to let his tears fall in front of her. Not a chance. He wanted... he needed to be strong for her.

So he hugged her for the first and maybe last time, something he hadn't done before, and that only made Ash cry harder and her legs gave out from under her. Levi fell with her. He sat and held her tightly in his arms as he listened to her beg for him to stay. To not leave. To not fight. To stay behind to be with her.

In that moment he didn't care about how she was getting her tears and snot all over his coat, the fact that they were on the dirty hard ground, or how loud she was being. The only thing he cared about was reassuring her that he would come back... at some point.

Levi rested his cheek on the top of her head with a hand there as well, while his other hand stayed on her back, his fingers splayed open. And as his grip tightened, he softly whispered into Ash's ear a promise, a promise that he would never forget about her, she clung to him, trying desperately to make him stay in the very spot he was in.

He watched her go inside her house when she was okay enough to stand. She gave him one last look with a sad smile as she closed her door, leaving him in the darkness with his thoughts.

That night when he made it back, he didn't eat nor did he sleep. He'd been operating on autopilot ever since.

"Nothing," was all Levi said to Hanji.

"You're such a bad liar."

Levi knew Hanji wasn't going to let up because that's just how she is so he decided to entertain her for the time being. "I had to say goodbye to someone last night."

It Took a Little Time (Levi Ackerman x Black OC)Where stories live. Discover now