Chapter 11

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Hello! It's been a while! It's getting down to the wire for me for school so I've been busy but here are chapters 11-18 for you. I'm about to be as busy as ever during the last month of school and I know I won't be able to update weekly like I want :( I hope these chapters hold you over until I get back on track.

Some season 3 spoilers for AOT in this chapter by the way.

Excuse any grammatical errors in these next chapters!

Enjoy lovelies,

-Simone :)

Living with Levi has been great honestly. At first, it was a little awkward for me because I just felt like a roommate, I mean technically I am, but after I decorated the space with a few items and continued to live here day after day, it started to grow on me.

He let me leave a few dishes in the sink, though he hates it and doesn't say anything about my side of the bedroom, but I try to keep it clean for him and not super messy. I don't want to hear his mouth about it.

We eat together, sleep together (not like that you nasties), cook together, and even work together or at least in the same space. Levi sometimes does his work in the kitchen while I'm in the living room on the floor and it reminded me of before when we would sit in his office and he would do paperwork, while I sat on his couch reading until Levi walked me home.

If I have to paint for class I was going to the art studio on campus to do my work, coming home later than usual which Levi hated. He hated not walking home with me when I stayed at school to paint. Levi knew I didn't want him driving, especially in the dark, to come get me from campus so I had to text him when I was on my way home and if anything were to happen to call him, which I knew to do of course.

It was cute that he cared and it made me feel special knowing that he was concerned about my well-being.

One day I came back from class to see Levi making space in his office for me to paint. It wasn't a really large area, but it was enough for me to have an easel, my canvas, and paint in the room. He even let me use an old nightstand he had so I was able to put my paints there as well as inside the drawer, instead of leaving them on the floor. I made sure to go out and buy a tarp to put under myself so I wouldn't get my materials everywhere.

He said he did it so I wouldn't have to keep lugging my canvases and supplies to and from campus, but I knew better. He wanted to make things easier for me as well as having me home to work and not on campus until 11 pm or later.

If I was out in the living room working on my other classwork, Levi would make sure I ate some food and sometimes even read on the couch near me until he decided to go to the bedroom. And every time he did, he would place a hand on top of my head for a few seconds and walk down the hall.

The first time he did it I froze. I was completely shocked. Levi isn't one for physical affection and if anything I'm the one touching him, usually a simple poke or ruffling his hair when I can, but it's always me.

That night it was him.

And ever since then, he's been doing it and I love it. Sometimes I stay out in the living room just to feel Levi place his hand on my head, even if my homework is finished. I'll act like I'm working on something just patiently waiting for him to do it.

I know it's a simple action, but Levi is more of a doer than a talker. The quote "actions speak louder than words" is true when it comes to him and that's just one of the reasons why I love him.

Levi was also a pretty good cook too. We both took turns cooking and would help each other out simply because we wanted to. I wanted to spend some time with Levi so every chance I got, I took. He taught me a few skills and I taught him a few skills and we traded off information each time one of us cooked.

It Took a Little Time (Levi Ackerman x Black OC)Where stories live. Discover now