Chapter 25

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Hello, lovelies! Before you read, for my AOT fans I've changed the way titans are from the manga/anime a little bit so don't be confused! In this story, I refer to them as how I dreamed of them. Yes, I've had nightmares about this and how I describe them in this chapter is how they were in my dream.

Also if any of you would like to read this on ao3, or want to share this story with someone who has ao3 and not Wattpad, I posted this story on there! I finally figured out how to work it lol. My user is Daunt1ess_23 :)

Excuse any grammatical errors.

Enjoy <3


——— F L A S H B A C K ———

"Hey," I called out to him, but he didn't respond. "Levi."


"I'm bored," I dragged out. "Entertain me." I moved positions and now had my legs on the back of the couch as my head rested on the seat cushion, slightly over the edge so all the blood wouldn't rush to my head.

Levi scoffed causing me to look over at him from the couch. He was sitting at his desk doing a mountain of paperwork that seemed like it would never end. His eyebrows were furrowed together as he scribbled, clearly focused on what he was doing.

"Entertain you? Are you asking or are you telling me?"

"Both," I teased.

"Ash," he warned.

If there was one thing I liked doing it was getting under Levi's skin. I liked to mess with him, and push my boundaries.

"You're supposed to be off today, but you're working," I pointed out.

He sighed, still not looking up at me. "That's just how it is."

"How about we take a break?"


I huffed. "Come on Levi you've been doing nothing but your stupid paperwork since I got here."

"You didn't want to go home after your shift. You know I'm busy. Read a book or something."

I've been coming to his office whenever I don't feel like going home after I work. I got off around noon since I opened today and Levi said I could come with him because he had an off day, however, he didn't tell me that he would be doing work... on... his day... off.

So here I am stuck in his office. This is the fourth time I've been here and I love it.

There's just something about being here with him that's comforting. Probably because Levi said we were friends last week for the first time and I was happy. He's been slowly opening up to me, granted we've known each other for almost a year now.

His office had a decent size fireplace, the dark green couch I was on at the moment was in front of it, and tall bookshelves with books lined the cool-toned walls. Levi's desk was to the right when you first enter with two chairs slightly facing each other in front of the desk, his bedroom was to the left behind a closed door, and his bathroom and shower were to the right.

My favorite thing about his office was the large floor rug that the couch rested on. Whenever I didn't feel like sitting on the couch I sat on the rug. It was really soft, kind of like your favorite blanket soft.

It Took a Little Time (Levi Ackerman x Black OC)Where stories live. Discover now