Chapter 35

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*Suddenly at 1k reads*

*slowly peaks around the corner* Um hi everyone? o.O

I have no clue where y'all came from but welcome!

I have not promoted this story on any of my social media at all since I would like to stay anonymous, so suddenly seeing my story have such a big spike in reads means a lot, & thank you to the people who are recommending this story to others to read. I hope the spike in reads is 'cause y'all are actually enjoying the story and not 'cause it's bad lolol!

I also plan on posting an Eren x Black OC & a Rin Matsuoka x Black OC (he's from an anime/manga called Free! Iwatobi Swim Club for those of you who haven't heard of him before. Cute anime about swimming, highly recommend it), but those will come way later :) This was my initial announcement, but I had to speak on the reads first! Again thank you.

Uhhh well, that's all I have for you!

Excuse any errors.



"Girl I'm so glad you dropped him."

"Me too. Sucks though after all this time you had to call it quits."

I set my phone down on the table so Michelle and Carter could still see me as I worked on some assignments. "Honestly same. I just hate that I lost a friend, but oh well."

Everything had been going so well up until recently.

The rest of January and February flew by. Levi and I didn't do anything for Valentine's Day since we forgot about it, but we ended up taking a bath together and relaxing, which we both needed. He had been stressed way more than me.

We had a really bad snowstorm and the tea shop took some damage so Levi and his mom had to close the business until everything was fixed. I quit my job because I was sick of management treating me like shit and I don't get paid enough to deal with management who talk down on employees. Since then I've been trying to find a job and have been coming up with nothing. Even though Levi had enough money for us to last here for years and years, I had gotten so used to splitting things with him 50-50 and to have him take over most of the bills again just made me feel like a leach.

In the midst of all that, in March my parents had been hounding me about a graduation party. I told them I didn't want anything because who would show up? Levi, his mom, my aunt, my grandma, Carter, Michelle, and Journey? I don't want people who don't care about my well-being at my graduation party, so it's better not to have anything. Dinner or lunch is fine.

Well, my mom didn't like that I said that, even though it was true. I've learned to not get my hopes up when it comes to my family. Not to mention Nelly is due soon and I know my parents are going to drop everything the minute she says she's going into labor, as they should since this is their first grandchild, but still. I'd rather not deal with it.

My mom and Nelly have both been blowing up my phone since the baby shower. Nelly so she could apologize and my mom was upset that I made a scene in front of everyone. I've ignored all their calls, texts, and voicemails. Nelly has since gotten the hint and has calmed down, however, my mom has not let up.

It Took a Little Time (Levi Ackerman x Black OC)Where stories live. Discover now