Chapter 3

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Happy Friday friends! :) enjoy 2 chapters this week. This one is a little boring, but necessary!

Excuse any grammatical errors!

-Simone <3

After my class was over I made my way back to the apartment and was happy to see that my ex's car wasn't there, meaning he wouldn't be back tonight and would be with Nelly.

I tossed my bag next to the couch as I took off my shoes. It was already after 7pm as I had my late class today, Intro to Political Science. Not my major, but is required for my major which is 2D with an emphasis in painting.

Praising the universe for not giving me any homework that's due tomorrow or the following day, I walked into the guest room where I kept my belongings and stripped out of my clothes and went to take a quick shower.

I hated Tuesdays and Thursdays because those were my long days, today being Thursday. Having a class at 5pm was not it, but the other time this course was available didn't fit into my schedule so I had to bite the bullet on this one.

My professor was amazing though. She was passionate about the subject and loved when we had debates in class. She told us at the beginning of the semester that she wanted each and every one of us to learn at least thing one thing from her class. The rest didn't matter.

And because of that, she was one of my favorite professors. If I wasn't swamped with my major I would minor in political science just to have another class with her again, as that's her area of study.

Seeing professors be happy and excited to teach, makes students excited and makes the class fun. If it's the opposite then no one is going to like the class or want to participate, which is awkward.

Now dressed in my pajamas I went into the kitchen and opened the fridge to find the food from yesterday I was waiting to eat, was gone.

"No this man didn't," I mumbled to myself as I walked to the trash to see the container that my food was in. I bit the inside of my cheek and took out my phone and sent Marcus a text.

Tf you eat my food for? You know what's yours and what's mine. Don't touch my shit again.

I rolled my eyes, very annoyed with this man. Even now, he's still doing shit he used to do when we were together. I could come home and expect to find my leftovers and they'd be gone and his reply was always, "My fault I was hungry."

If you're so hungry then get your own food! Damn.

I settled on some soup that I had in the cabinet since it didn't take long in the microwave. I took my bowl into the living room and turned on the TV so I had something to watch as I ate.

Living with your ex isn't as bad as it seems, granted our situation. Plus I'm only at the apartment whenever he's not so it's fine for me. If we do happen to be here at the same time it's usually because he's come back to get something or he's coming in as I'm leaving for class in the morning.

However, I highly don't recommend doing this.

He tries to talk to me every time this happens, but I simply ignore him. I have nothing to say to him so what do I need to talk to him for? Talk about what? I don't want to hear his bullshit ass apology for the hundredth time since we broke up and we're not friends so there's no need for me to be friendly either, no matter how long we were together.

I don't date liars.

Plus I feel like I'm an understanding person. Like if you don't like me just say that. If you don't wanna be around me say that. If you don't wanna date me say that. If you don't wanna see me anymore say that. If you don't love me say that. Don't string me along, lying to my face, when you don't care about me.

That's what cowards do and that's what he is.

A punk, a wimp, a loser, all of the above.

I wasted my time which is something I hate doing, and I'll never get it back.

Wasted my time and energy on someone who didn't give a fuck about me and that's why he's dead to me. Regardless if he has a child on the way or not, and he's lucky that does. If he didn't, he would've been dealt with a long time ago, that's for damn sure.

When we met, Marcus wasn't like this at all and the sad thing is I know what made him switch up on me, but by the time I figured it out it was too late. The damage had already been done.

No point in dwelling on the old him since our relationship meant nothing to him anyways.

We're roommates, if that's what you wanna call it, until I get my own place which will be pretty soon and I'm happy about that. My place won't be a luxurious one bedroom, but it'll be better than living with him. I was looking at a place and it's your typical and simple one bed room with a full kitchen, small bathroom and living room, and a few closets all for about seven hundred a month.

Carter absolutely hates that I'm still living here, even her boyfriend Reiner has said that he's also fine with me crashing with them, but I can't. I feel like a bother and I don't want to be a burden. They've done so much for me already, especially after I was home from the hospital.

I couldn't use my hands for a little bit, split and busted knuckles will do that to you, so they came over and helped me out. Carter treated me like a child and she enjoyed every minute of it since she knows how stubborn I can be.

I'll be on the brink of suffering before I ask anybody for help.

I know.

It's crazy isn't it?

I finished my dinner and laid down on the couch as I continued to watch TV, my mind running, thinking about all the shit I have to get done and what ever else I need to do. I have a plan, I just need to execute and get it done and I know I can.

It's my last year of school and I just want it to fly by so I can start my career doing art full time. Just two more semesters. I don't have everything figured out and that's okay.

Time waits for no one, but it's not too late for me.

I got time.

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