Chapter 5

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Happy Friday lovelies! Here's a long one for you :) excuse any grammatical errors.


-Simone <3

——— F L A S H B A C K ———

"You're here late," I said to Levi as he strode into the shop with his hands in his long, green military coat pockets. "We're about to close do you want something? I can make it quick."

"No, it's fine." He looked off to the side, "I'm here for you actually," Levi said softly.

My heart fluttered. "Me?"

Levi was now looking back at me, his face in his usual scowl. "Yes, you. I'm taking you somewhere."

"Where are we going?"

He rolled his eyes, annoyed. "Stop asking questions and let's go."

I giggled at his attitude. "Okay. Let me tell Mrs. Allen I'm leaving."

I took my apron off and hung it up behind the counter and put my coat on as I walked to the back to her office. I knocked on her door and poked my head in before she could answer.

"I'm leaving with Captain Levi."

"Okay, dear have fun. I'll see you tomorrow." She said sweetly with a smile.

I returned her smile and nodded, walking back to the front to meet Levi.

"Okay, I'm ready."

He opened the front door for me as I waited for him to tell me where exactly we were going, but he never did. I trailed slightly behind him as the two of us walked to our destination in comfortable silence.

"What are we doing here?" I asked as we stood outside my favorite restaurant.

Levi looked at me over his shoulder, a hand on the door to open it for me. "To get food."

I squinted at him, but said nothing as I stepped inside. All eyes were on us as Levi walked next to me towards the register.

"Captain Levi! What do we owe the pleasure?" The lady behind the counter gushed at him, completely ignoring me at his side.

I turned and looked at Levi who was already looking at me.

"Order what you want," he said disregarding what the cashier asked him.

"Pork cutlet bowl please, with everything in it," I told her.

"And for you Captain?"

"The same."

"For here or to go?"

"To go." Levi took out his wallet and handed the cashier the money and patiently waited for change.

I stood off to the side still trying to rack my brain as to why we were here.

Did I miss a holiday? Was it my birthday? Is this a present? Did Levi do something? Is this an apology? Is this a reward for something? Did I do something? Something bad? Something good? Is it Levi's birthday?

Levi was now standing next to me as we waited for our food so I decided to converse instead of standing here awkwardly. "How was your day?"


It Took a Little Time (Levi Ackerman x Black OC)Where stories live. Discover now