Chapter 2

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——— F L A S H B A C K ———

"What's up Levi?"

"Hello to you too brat," I mumbled taking a seat in my usual spot in the cafe. She wore her uniform of a brown apron and white shirt, no contacts today as she had her glasses on.

"How about you try some new tea this time?" Ash gushed, hoping that I would give in today as she leaned over the counter looking at me. "Green? Peppermint?"


"What about peach?"


She thought for a moment,"Okay then what about orange?"


"One of these days I'm gonna get you to try some different flavors." I heard her say with a laugh as she made my drink.

Looking around the shop I seen it was just us and it wasn't even four o'clock yet.

Must be a slow day.

"Here's your jasmine tea," Ash said placing the cup in front of me. I shot her a glare as she laughed. "I'm kidding. It's your usual, plain black tea. I promise," She said putting a much unneeded emphasis on plain.

"Better be." I mumbled, grasping my cup and going to take a sip as I looked at her.

She smirked, locking eyes with me. "And if it's not?"

I stopped moving.

She's challenging me, something she does often.

I squinted at her.

"You don't scare me Levi." Ash said as she squinted back teasingly, mocking my face.

"I know. That's the problem."

"Would I make a good soldier?" She asked proudly, her hands on her hips as if she expected me to say yes.

"No," I replied immediately before I took a sip of my black tea that was made to perfection, as usual.

Her face fell and I laughed inwardly. "Why not?!"

"You don't listen, you have a problem with authority, and you have a smart-ass mouth," I stated.

"Mmm sounds like you and you're a great soldier from what I hear-"

"We're not talking about me," I said with the cup over my mouth.

Ash sat down across from me with a huff, her chin resting in her palm as she looked over at me. "Taste okay?"

I gave her a soft hum as a yes as I took another sip.

Her shoulders relaxed, "Good."

"If it wasn't good I wouldn't still be drinking it now would I?"

"Mmm I don't know. You could still drink it even though you don't like it simply because I made it for you."



Even though she hasn't made me tea that I didn't like and I've been coming in here for a little over a year now. She knew what she was doing.

"And you say I have smart-ass mouth." She said with a smile and an eye roll.

"You do."

It Took a Little Time (Levi Ackerman x Black OC)Where stories live. Discover now