Chapter 22

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Good god, I have written this chapter over like 6 times. I'm not satisfied with it, but I know if I keep working on it more I'm ultimately going to hate it and then I won't finish it at all so here you go!

Happy Thursday and enjoy the weekend!

For any of you who are reading this and start school soon, or have already started school, I hope you have a wonderful semester/school year! :)

-Simone <3

"Do you want me to get you anything to eat? I'm on my way to have brunch with my mom."


I put my phone in the cup holder and waited for it to connect to my car. "I really don't wanna go to this."

"Then don't go."

I chuckled as I backed out of my parking space and headed towards this restaurant where I'm meeting my mom, aunt, Carter, and grandma for brunch since they haven't seen me in a while.

Not my fault I don't want to be around them.

"If only it were that simple. This outing today will hold them over for a bit. I probably won't see them until the baby shower after this."

I heard shuffling in the background. "You're still going?"

"I am. I don't have a problem with the baby. It's the parents I have a problem with." I mumbled, my mind flashing to a memory that I quickly shook off.

I haven't told him everything about the situation. Only that Marcus cheated and got someone else pregnant. I'm not ready to have that discussion with Levi, not yet. Maybe before the baby shower, I'll tell him.

Levi huffed. "I guess yeah."

"Well, I won't keep you. I just wanted to tell you that I left."


"I'll see you later Levi."

"See you at home."

I ended the call with a small smile on my face.

Ever since we got back things between us have been slightly different. Levi is much more touchy with me than before and I'm sure it has to do with the fact that we kissed on the pier... and then went back to the hotel and made out some more. It's possible we would've gone all the way, but we were interrupted by Hanji and Levi's squad who were drunk out of their minds and we had to help get his squad back to their rooms.

We haven't kissed since then though, but I can say I'm more comfortable when it comes to touching him, even if it's something simple as having my legs in his lap. He also seems much more comfortable touching me too. His hand will occasionally be on my leg or my knees, playing in my hair sometimes, little touches like that and I get butterflies every time.

I played some music to make the drive go faster and within another ten minutes, I was at the restaurant called Sal's. It was a burger place that I had never been to so I hoped the food was good.

I parked my car and walked inside, letting the host know my family was already there and seated. She told me I could look around until I found them and if they weren't here to come back up to the front.

After thanking her I walked around and spotted them in a booth in the middle of the restaurant away from the windows which I was thankful for as it was snow on the ground here in Chicago.

"There she is!" My mom said happily as she slid out of the booth to give me a hug.

I said my hellos and hugged everyone and sat next to Carter with my aunt closest to the aisle and my grandma and mom across from us.

It Took a Little Time (Levi Ackerman x Black OC)Where stories live. Discover now