Chapter 39

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I hope you all had a good weekend!

- Simone :)

——— F L A S H B A C K ———

"You're back."

"That I am."

I smiled. "I'm glad you made it back safely."

He didn't say anything back but I know he heard me.

It had been a couple of days since I saw him last and it was eating me up inside. Levi seemed to just have gotten back because his hair still looked damp from a shower and he was in casual clothes.

I saw him glance down at the shop keys in my hand and I started to feel bad. He had come all this way to get something to drink only for me to already have locked the doors as we were closed for the day.

"If you want I can still make you something really —"

He shook his head. "No. It's fine. I'll stop by tomorrow."

As he started to walk away I bit my lip, quickly thinking as to what I could do.

"I have tea at my house I could make for you," I suggested. He stopped walking and looked at me over his shoulder. "You can even take it to go if that'll be more comfortable." He still said nothing. "The walk isn't that far," I added. "Please?"

Levi faced forward as if he was going to keep walking and not take me up on my offer, but after a few seconds, he turned around and was coming toward me.

"Let's go," he mumbles.

My feet move quickly as I led him in the direction of my house. It was quiet between us, as usual, since we met like three months ago. He is truly a man of few words.

He comes in, says hello, orders his tea and sometimes a snack, sits in the same corner, bids me a 'thank you', and leaves when he's done. All in all, Levi is in the shop for maybe twenty minutes, no more than thirty.

As we walked next to each other I finally realized how short he was compared to me, I had to look down at him and despite him being shorter than me I know he's older. I just don't know how old, but he looks young.

"You walk home at night by yourself?" Levi randomly asks.

"Yep. I do."

"And you don't carry a weapon or anything?"

I look over at him confused by his tone and question. "No. Why?"

"Because, idiot, you're by yourself. At night," he pointed out as if he was annoyed.

"I know how to defend myself," I shrug. "My dad taught me some stuff and you learn after you've been in some fights."

"Are you aware of your surroundings?"

Before I answered I took a look around and saw nobody but us and a few cars go by. "I like to think I am yeah."

It was quiet with the only sounds being heard were our footsteps and the occasional night sounds from bugs and animals.

It Took a Little Time (Levi Ackerman x Black OC)Where stories live. Discover now