Chapter 40

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Hello! I hope everyone is having a good summer so far! Stay hydrated :)

Twenty (20) more chapters to go until this story is completed! The epilogue will be long I promise. 

Excuse any errors that you may see.


-Simone <3

"Did you have fun?" Ash asked Levi as she got undressed in the bedroom and was about to shower.

"I was there with you and my mother so it was fine," Levi says from the bathtub.

He had just gotten out of the shower himself about five minutes ago. He didn't want to sit in his wet dirt so he showered first and then decided to relax in the bath. It had been a long day for the both of them and being around so many people had him tired.

The ceremony was beautiful and Carter looked stunning in her dress. She was an utter mess beforehand, nervously eating and fidgeting, but when it was time for her to walk down the aisle, her anxiousness faded away. Reiner did cry so there was no need for her to walk back and do it again. Carter even cried herself as much as she tried not to.

Ash held it together until Carter reached the end of the aisle and turned around to give her and Michelle a group hug.

Porco, who had barely said a word to Ash after he ran into Levi at the front of the church, made sure to keep his distance after the ceremony and the reception. Even when the wedding party took pictures he was a respectable distance away from her.

As Ash greeted Kuchel and Levi, Carter had sent Porco, Colt, and Bertholdt to find her since the ceremony was going to start soon and they needed to line up and get ready, plus Ash's presence made Carter relax and ground her. The minute Levi looked at them, they froze. Colt was the only one who felt comfortable enough to deliver the message to Ash and they quickly walked away.

Though Levi was one to hold a grudge, he knew better than to verbally threaten them, or anyone, Zeke included, given the state he was currently in and their environment.

And as much as he hated his reputation of being Humanity's Strongest, it did have its perks sometimes.

The water was scolding hot just how he liked it and he slumped deeper into the water with both of his arms resting on either side of the tub, his head on the back.

Ash giggled, expecting nothing less as she walked into the bathroom, very naked Levi noticed, touching his shoulder as she passed him to get in the shower.

He watched her every move through the mirror.

Watched her turn the water on and how she didn't even bother checking the temperature before she submerged herself in the water, the way she smoothed her hair back and closed her eyes, how she occasionally would blow so water wouldn't get in her mouth. As Levi's eyes traveled down her body his view was eventually obstructed from the steam that had built up on the shower door.

Levi tore his eyes away from the mirror and closed his eyes, trying to calm his mind but it was no use. He said fuck it and let his mind take him to where he wasn't trying to go before. Images flashed in his mind of their previous encounters and he bit his lip to hold back a groan.

It Took a Little Time (Levi Ackerman x Black OC)Where stories live. Discover now