Chapter 16

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Just a reminder that every 8th chapter is in the 3rd person.


Levi got up and walked into the living room to check on Ash. It was going on three in the morning and she still wasn't in bed. He had gotten used to sleeping with her over the last four months and was getting a decent amount of sleep which was better than his usual 2-3 hours. It was the comfort of knowing that he could have the most awful nightmare and wake up to see that he was okay and that Ash was okay, and alive.

His nightmares consisted of the same thing; how he failed to save his comrades and having to watch them die over and over.  The smell of blood and insides plagued his mind for what seemed like an eternity in his dream state.

The two did nothing but sleep. His time asleep has improved ever so slightly and some improvement is still an improvement. Some thoughts crossed Levi's mind whenever they cuddled, as he did love her of course, but he would stop those thoughts immediately and push the feeling away, and then push it further... and push it further some more.

Tonight, Levi had fallen asleep particularly early after being with Hanji for most of the day and she wore him out with her nonstop talking and an exuberant amount of energy.

Levi stepped into the living room to see Ash on the floor. Her legs crossed criss-cross-applesauce style, laptop open with her projects all over the screen, papers scattered around her as she sat at the coffee table, head in her hands as she nodded off to sleep with energy drinks on the table that didn't do their job and make her stay up. The tv was on, but it was watching her at the moment.

He stood there and admired her briefly.

On a regular day, she wouldn't have stayed up this late to work on homework, however it was finals so she pushed herself to stay up. She had been working so hard to get her assignments done for her classes, that she wouldn't eat dinner or would eat very late. When she was focused she didn't talk much and her eyebrows furrowed together when she was deep in thought. She was exhausted and tried to not let it show on her face or in her body language whenever Levi was around.

Levi noticed all of this of course and watched closely as she worked. He would simply place a hand on top of her head which Ash secretly loved the most out of everything he did. Levi would ask if she needed anything before she started to work. If he made dinner he would fix a plate for her and made sure she ate. Levi would even come to check on her in the middle of the night, like tonight, as well as sit on the couch or in the kitchen and watch to see if Ash needed help with anything before he started working on his bills and expenses for the tea shop.

"Ash," Levi called out gently as he turned the tv off with the remote on the coffee table.

She didn't wake up so Levi shook her shoulder and tried again. "Ash."

She stirred and then immediately sat up in a daze, "I'm awake. I'm-I'm up. I'm working."

Levi held back a chuckle, "You were sleeping."

"How long was I asleep?" Ash asked rubbing her eyes.

"I don't know, but come to bed. It's late."

She shook her head, "No I can't. I have to finish this."

"It can be done in a few hours," Levi prodded. "You need sleep."

Ash scoffed teasingly. "Take your own advice."

Levi narrowed his eyes at her, but she was right. He would stay up for hours upon hours working on bills and handling the cost of his shop so much so, that Ash would make him lay down and try to sleep, or at least take a break.

Ash saw Levi sitting at the dining room table working on bills for the last few hours. He must've heard her steps stop somewhere behind him because without turning around he asked "What is it?"

"Can you be done for the rest of the night?"

"No," Levi said flatly.

Ash bit the inside of her cheek. "Can you take a break?"

"No." He responded in the same tone.

She walked over her to the table, pulling his chair out, and turned it around to face her.

Levi glared, clearly annoyed by her actions. "I told you I'm not taking a break. I have to get this done so stop-"

Ash abruptly pointed a finger in Levi's face, cutting him off. "You are going to bed. You're stressed the fuck out and stressing about it, even more, won't fix anything. The paperwork can wait until the morning. Come. To. Bed."

She started to walk down the hall, leaving Levi speechless as she said over her shoulder, "You got ten minutes to get into that bedroom. Don't make me come back down here to get you."

Levi released a breath he didn't realize he was even holding once Ash disappeared out of his line of sight. He could hear his heart pounding in his ears as well as feel it in his chest. She was so close to his face that he could feel her minty breath on his lips and cheeks.

Having Ash put him in his place turned him on a lot more than it should've, but no one else had ever done it before. They were all too scared to challenge him or talk back.

Finally gathering himself, Levi stood and made his way to the bedroom. Ash was in bed, her back facing the door. He slid in behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, getting settled into his pillow.

"Finally." Ash teased, enjoying the feeling of being held by Levi with his face near the base of her neck.

"Shut up."

Levi blinked, coming back to reality, "This isn't about me, brat." He told her as he closed her laptop, "Bed. Now."

Ash let out a sigh as she rose to her feet. "Okay."

Levi stepped aside and let Ash go first towards the bedroom, yawning and scratching her head as she did so.

The two climbed into bed as Levi pulled the covers over the both of them, the two facing each other closing their eyes, and eventually falling asleep thinking about one another.

It Took a Little Time (Levi Ackerman x Black OC)Where stories live. Discover now