Chapter 8

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Hi friends! Enjoy two chapters this week! I will be fairly busy next week and may not get to update.

A few notes before you read:

Every 8th chapter will be in third person and mostly focusing on Levi's perspective just to take a break from first person and give you a little sneak peek inside Humanity's Strongest Soldier's mind ;)

If you've read this far then you know what happens to Levi in the thunder spear incident, however, there is a spoiler from the very end of the manga about our beloved Captain and a certain injury he acquires later on. If you don't care then continue on. I have slightly altered that injury in the story for now, but it will eventually get worse and he'll be exactly how he is in the manga (but that's a few chapters from now).

That's all I got for you!

Excuse any grammatical errors.


-Simone <3

After the third movie, Ash was asleep comfortably on the couch. Her head ending up in Levi's lap accidentally, though he didn't care.

He stared down at her sleeping face and felt warmth grow inside him. It had been a long time since he had seen her and an even longer time since he felt this way. He wasn't expecting to see her again, mainly because he thought that she had moved on with her life and was onto bigger and better things, which he's learned that she has. He figured she wouldn't remember him at all, let alone want to, especially after his injuries sustained in the war. His leg was better and he could walk most days, his missing fingers he had gotten used to, but the long obvious scar over his left eye, which had lost sight entirely, was something he couldn't hide and had become insecure about over time.

The night of the ball he only went because Hanji dragged him along and wouldn't stop pestering him about it. When he saw Ash's face he knew right away who she was, before Carter even introduced her.

It was like time had stopped. He couldn't believe that the beautiful girl who bothered him all the time in the tea shop he enjoyed going to, was here and it wasn't a dream. Levi thought Ash looked the same, just older with longer hair.

The last time he saw her she was a crying mess outside of her house the night before his last expedition.

Levi never wanted to see Ash like that again as long as he lived. It broke him to see such a strong person he admired, shatter before his eyes.

He thought about her while he was gone. All the time. She was the only thing that was keeping him sane. Keeping him fighting. Keeping him alive.

Levi's heart pounded violently in his ears once their eyes locked at the ball. He couldn't prepare himself to be rejected and thankfully Hanji interrupted that moment which Levi took upon himself to go outside and get some air. Part of him was hoping that Ash didn't recognize him while another part of him begged for her to recognize him.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but do I know you from somewhere? You're Levi from the tea shop I met about ten years ago right?"

All Levi wanted to do was run to her, hug Ash, giver her a kiss even. A passionate one, but he restrained himself as best he could and kept his composure as he answered, "So it is you."

She was still the same, Levi noticed, as they talked for what seemed like hours outside before they moved back inside, just catching up with each other. It was just like old times and Levi was happy. He had missed Ash honestly and it was clear to him at that moment that he knew he loved her.

All the signs were there: heart-pounding, that feeling of warmth and longing, he was always thinking about her and it gave him a rush, nervousness, content, excitement, and that feeling like he never wanted her out of his grasp again.

Levi tried not to stare, but Ash had no idea he was starring anyways because she was trying not to stare at Levi herself.

Once the ball was over and Ash asked for Levi's number he immediately wanted to give her his phone, but his instincts asked, "What do you need my number for?"

Ash's response only made Levi's love for her grow more. "I would like to keep in touch with my friend if that's fine with you."

Still a smart-ass, he thought to himself, even after all this time.

After the two went their separate ways for the night all he wanted was to be near her again, but he felt it was too soon. He didn't want to push her away or look needy and desperate, so he didn't text or call. He waited for Ash to call, but before she could do so Erwin was calling Levi to his office with Carter there asking him for a favor.

Without hesitation, Levi agreed and went straight to Ash's place telling her that she was coming to live with him. He didn't give her any time to put up a fight as he started to carry the few things she had to his car. On their last and final trip, they ran into Marcus who Levi hates beyond reason. He had hurt Ash and that was unforgivable, though he doesn't know all the details, but he didn't need them.

When they got to his apartment did Levi realize he only had one bedroom, but Ash didn't care. In her mind she was happy there was only one bed. She wanted to be as close to Levi as possible so when he offered to sleep on the couch in the living room she spoke up quickly, telling him that it wasn't necessary and that they were adults so sleeping together wouldn't be an issue.

Both Levi and Ash were jumping for joy on the inside while calm on the outside.

Ash continued to ask Levi if it was okay for her to stay with him which only told Levi that she was overthinking so he asked her what he needed to do to make the place theirs. After she brought up the movie night suggestion Levi again, on the inside, was happy that she wanted to do this. His heart fluttered when she told him her reasoning for wanting to and that she missed him while poking his cheek like she used to do.

Levi wanted to say 'I missed you too' and kiss those lips he had been wishing to kiss for so long now, but his instincts made him say "Whatever" and swat her hand away from his face as he tried to hide the blush on his cheeks, which Ash didn't notice.

So here they are now.

Ash is fast asleep while Levi is staring down at the girl he loves. He massaged her scalp gently, playing with her curls, being careful not to wake her, as he took in this moment. Levi wasn't sure if and when he would have another opportunity like this and is making the best of it.

It would be another few months before the two finally confess their feelings for each other, so far now...

we wait.

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