CHAPTER 22 Whimsical Celebrations

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Author Note: Welcome to Whimsical Celebration, with food and music.

Everyone, from the feline folks, the Woodland elves, the humans, rejoiced, on a Whimsical Celebration. Including Akasha mother and father, King and Queen of the Woodlands. Maddox's, Xavion and Tiama and Ne'tiama father decided to enjoy his free time to spend time with his wife Vachelle and their baby girl Tashee, and his mother-law. The elder elves also came along, to the celebration party.

Brayton was barely eating his food, that chef made. His father notice he was feeling down, for what had happened. His father hugged and told him, Darkeem is no longer returning back from how he was, the the dark ortex flower has gotten a hold on him. Deeply, he may remember his family it depends, base on his heart.

In the middle of the party Earvin and Xavion was surrounded by elven maidens, feline folks maidens, and human young maidens.

Akasha and Ne'tiama, in Tiama all watched in cracked jokes of the guys, finally getting more attention than ever from females.

Earvin did something unexpected, he left the girls surrounded him. Leaving Xavion with the girls, and hand over his hand to Akasha kindly turns him down. And he turned his eye vision to both of the twins, Ne'tiama wasted no time to grab his hand and drag him to the dance hall ground.

Tiama looks at Akasha and ask, her "Why you turned down Earvin's dance request?"

Akasha responded I'm just tired, we been fighting and traveling, running for ten whole days Tiama I'm tired.

Tiama became puzzled and replied "Tired but I thought, Elves don't even sleep!
Don't you guys, mediate to keep your enter in sync?

Akasha respond back in a calm tone " Actually I have human DNA!.

Tiama eyes wided in shock, she responded tilting her head, "Whoa! so it's your mother or father that's half - human or.... its your grandparents."

"Its my Grandfather Jarick Leafman, he is half- human( half wood elf)."

"Due to my heritage, I need rest just like humans do. "But I can stay up late. If I really wanted to."

The girls talked for a good five minutes, about the festival. "Tiama can I tell you something."

" I never had any siblings, for I am the only child." "I do have a flying pet squirrel named frezzie.

"That was gifted to my by my father on my one hundred and three birthday." I don't have many friends in my homeland only Earvin, others think im spoiled. Because I don't talk much, and I'm quiet."

"But when I'm around Earvin and Brayton you and your brother, in sister." I don't feel like I'm lonesome self. I was very fond of being able to travel with you all."

Tiama replied to her in said; "Akasha, if you ever need a good friendly advice, or sisterhood. Me and my sister Ne'tiama were just a  call away, always.

Akasha gave Tiama a sisterhood hug.

A decent looking young boy, elf boy looked exactly around the same age as Tiama.
And asked if she wanted to dance.

She tooked his hand, and turned to ask her friend "Will you be okay sitting at the snack bar by yourself?"

"I'm fine go ahead, I be here eating these apple tarts." said Akasha as she smiles, when her friend dissapperd to the dance floor.

As the party was thriving on, a young feline man. And he walked over near the townside entrance and notice a tall ethereal lady that stood 5 ft 11, with gray sliver skin, long  with dark red hair, light purple eyes.

She looked at him, causing him to run quickly back to warn everyone. Before it's to late.

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