Chapter 20 Light vs Darkness

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Author Note: it's a battle between light vs Darkness

Brayton found himself locked in a fierce battle against his villainous uncle, Darkeem. As Brayton fought valiantly, his loyal friends and the feline folks joined forces to combat the remaining enemies in the area. While his Woodelf elf friend Earvin fought Kiartira.

The clash of swords, and spells echoed in the air. Brayton couldn't help but notice a particular glare in Darkeem's eyes.

Pausing for a moment, Brayton questioned his uncle, " Why did you turn against your own family, Uncle? Tell me, what has driven you to this Darkness!"

Darkeem's eyes glowed with a sinster dark green hue as he sneered at his nephew.
"That crazy Drow King Vorick was right. The Dark Ortex Flower has already consumed what little good that was left within me. There is no turning back now for me. "

Brayton fueled by the the power of light that coursed through his veins, stood tall and resolute.

His uncle, on the other hand, drew strength from the shadows, his power rooted in darkness. The two clashed, their powers colliding in a spectular display of light versus darkness.

With each strike, Brayton's light grew brighter, pushing back against the encroaching darkness. Darkeem, fought with a ferocity fueled by his new found malevolence, the battle raged on.

The clash of their powers started to make a earthquake, on the very land they, are standing on.

Finally, with a mighty blow, Brayton's light overcame Darkeem's darkness. The villainous uncle was knocked down, his body tremble from the sheer force of the impact. But as dust settled, Brayton noticed that Darkeem did not wake up.

Earvin was, Brayton trusted ally, he was engaged in a fierce duel with Kiartira, Darkeem's loyal new wife. Her attention was momentarily diverted as she witnessed her husband being knocked down. In that moment of distraction, Earvin seized the opportunity and defeated Kiratira, leaving her unconscious on the battlefield.

As the battle came to an end, both Darkeem and Kiartira lay defeated, their bodies motionless. Brayton and Earvin stood victorious, but the cost of the battle weighed heavily on Brayton's heart.

With a mixture of relief and sorrow, approached his fallen uncle and whispered; "I'm sorry, Uncle. I wish things could have been different."

He prevailed over his villainous uncle, bringing an end to the region his uncle caused.

Nehushta  ran into Brayton's arms and hugged him tight, in told him how much she, misses uncle Harold and Auntie, and Gage. And the Brightwell Kingdom.

The group walked towards them, in introduced themselves to the young elf child.

The return to, The Brightwell Kingdom to celebrate their victory, Nehushta  looked back to where she saw, Darkeem and Kiartira.

Author Note: Please keep reading to find out what happens next.

Next page ...... Crumble fate

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