Chapter 23 Peacefully Festival Ruined

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Author Note:  do you understand  the  story so far?

Kiartira began walking towards, the festival making her presents known.
The young feline young man had already run a good mile towards, where King Bentley and his son was. He told them that a lady drow had merge in the crowds,
blending in as a regular elevn maiden

This Information caused, King Bentley  to take precaution, he got near the speakers and announced to everyone to return home immediately. A drow has entered The Brightwell Kingdom festival.

This dark elf is very dangerous, please everyone remain calm, and return....

As soon as he was about to finish his speech, Kiratira had all ready made her way up, to the festival, all eyes were on her.

Most of the people feared her, while some were unafraid by her presents.

The three kings of spoke to her, Brightwell's King Bentley , Woodlands elves King Altar, and The feline folks King Yearn. They questioned why she had came.

"I want vengeance, for what you've all done, to my people, my Kingdom, and to my husband Darkeem, Kiratira said in a fierce tone of voice. "It saddens me that I don't know if he's alive or dead."

"None of you, will understand how I FEEL!"

Her eyes began to turn, pitch black as she focused on her surroundings. The blood in her veins started to poke out in show. The color of her veins turned black, as midnight.

The crowds of people screamed in terror as they saw, something that they never seen before in their life until now.

It even shocked the King's and Brayton and his friends.

Leaving them in a unknown terror.

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