Story description Whimsical Enigma Realm

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This is a work of fiction , all the characters and events portrayed in this book.
Are fictional, and created by imagination and themes of fantasy, anime-inspired and adventure video games. And other stories that are similar.

The powers being use are mostly science base purpose only( not really witchcraft for the heroes of the story) because a lot of fantasy worlds are built upon it so trying I'm something diffrent. However the villans use dark magic for purpose of them being evil.

Question: do you believe a villain can change from bad to good?

Original story by Tawny Lady

Copyright All Reserved 2023 by Tawny Lady

Book Cover art by Tawny Lady

Book created in September 16, 2023

This story is for people who have imaginative minds, who like to explore the fantasy of WER. It is filled with Mythology creatures, and humans,
Coexisting on a world like ours. But their way of living my be similar
But totally different.


The Laugauge that the Elves speak is fictional

There are no parts of this story that mentions, suicide, no animals were harm
In this story.

The writing style to this story is a mixture of Traditional story telling, and fiction

Here's a art pic drawing of Original Character that will be in the story,
Woodland elf and royal guard elf.

These are my Original Characters I made up from my imagination, in my own head

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These are my Original Characters I made up from my imagination, in my own head.

His name is Earvin Cinderwood

Personal information about him is.

He is the royal guard elf of the Woodlands elves, he is friends with princess Akasha, Brayton and Ne'tiama Xavion and Tiama.

He does travel everywhere Akasha goes, due to her father King Altar telling him so.

Akasha really does not mind his company of him going with her.

He is a young handsome elven man that looks like he could past the age of being somewhere between 18-25

He is a skilled fighter, Jarick Leafman the grandfather of Akasha, taught him in Akasha how to fight, what their element arrows, and hand to hand combat.

And how to blind in with the tree's, to perform a sneakattack on a enemy.

Like many other Wood elves, he is friends with humans, and the feline folks.

and does dislike Drows for their evil ways, and their allies.

He does like taking shortcuts, like through the Woods of Shem were the fairies live in.

  WER  ( WHIMSICAL ENGIMA REALM )SCI-FI  Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora