Chapter 6 Traitor In The Woodlands

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Author Note: The story continues, Shakur plan worked but, read to find out what happened, thank you readers.

In the mystical Woodlands, homeland of the wood elves, at midnight . Shakur did exactly what he was told, by the Drow King and Queen. To set off a bugs nest with many different, creepy crawlers. Starting from, Giant spiders, Termites the size of worms,

Flying Cockroaches the size of crow birds. All of these bugs was , all around the whole Woodlands, except for the wooden palace were King Altar and his wife and daughter Akasha, her skin color was Carmel wood color with freckles on both sides of her face cheeks. She is the Woodlands elf princess who's next in line to be ruler , and Earvin, his skin was light bronze as wood. He is the royal guard elf and Xavion and Tiama and Ne'tiama are. The bugs Gave all the wooden elfs villagers a fright, some did try to fight, but these bugs were unhinged.

Shakur made another bug nest, but this time it was with termites, he made them, eat the Woodlands villagers tree houses. The villagers were screaming in running to wooden palace, where there are safe from the bugs invading their land.

Meanwhile inside the wooden palace, Earvin in Akasha, wonder where Shakur had went. He has been in the Woodlands digiused as a Woodelf.

A Woodlands elf lady in her three children, we're the first out of the other Woodlands elves , to make to the wooden palace, and warned everyone.

That others are beening attack by bugs, the whole throne gasped.

King Altar graps his spell book hoping to find a, answer to get rid of the bugs outside. And he tells Earvin and Akasha, and Xavion and his sister's, that as he tries to find the right spell to get rid of the creepy crawlers outside. He wants them to

Kill of the rest of the bugs as they can, They all agreed to do as King Altar says.

Tiama who is afraid of bugs, she feels un- easy going out there, her brother Xavion reassured, and her sister Ne'tiama tells her; "Don't worry sis, we will put a end to this bugs nest!."

In the mist of battling the creepy crawlers, a giant eight legged spider , spit out a web,

in took, Tiama wrapping her up in it's webs, poor Tiama struggling to get free but she can't. Her brother and sister took off running to catch up with the spider. But it moved rather swiftly. Akasha runs with them to help, Tiama.

Earvin ran right into, Shakur as he was making his exit out of the Woodlands.

Earvin questions Shakur where has he been? and why did the bugs showed up
when he dissapperd. Shakur turns around and revealed his true identity to Earvin.

Leaving Earvin in confusion, distrust, and anger. "Your nothing but a traitor Shakur!" the King and Queen trusted you, even Akasha, she thought you could
do no harm to anyone. "said Earvin in a now bitter tone

"But I knew there's was something you were hiding, but I never knew you will
be a drow elf." ; said Earvin.

Shakur spoke; "All right I did tricked, everyone including those humans, you wooden elves see as allies."

Shakur laughs deep from his gut, Earvin strikes him, and he becomes, dazed a bit.

Shakur shook his head to, gain his focus back, and grabbed a venomous bug, out
his pocket and threw it at Earvin's left side of his eye.

Earvin managed to pull the bug off, of him, he yelled in agony. As soon, as he got a hold to thing, he sling it on the ground and smashed it with his foot.

The bug left a brown burnt mark, on his face. Shakur took off running, as Earvin was chasing after him. He was running, he smiled with a evil expression. But that looked faded away when he noticed the group, trying to save Tiama. Immediately Shakur felt bad for what he has done, the Queen told him no one will get hurt. But After seeing the group struggling to save Tiama he ran over to help. Earvin follows after him.

Akasha is left in awe as she sees, that Shakur is not really a Woodelf. "I know that's is odd but, I'm the cause of this, mess I was doing as I was told by my ruler." Said Shakur, but the Sneed Family members paid no attention, they were busy trying to free their, poor sister from the giant bug webs.

"It does matter now we have to work together, to save Tiama!", says Akasha.

They all worked together, and saved Tiama from the creepy crawler.

Her siblings ran quick to confront her, Tiama thanks Shakur for helping out.

"I think it's best that I leave", says Shakur.

With a swift hand motion, he dissapperd in gray-black smoke. He had went back to the Dark Meadows, to tell his rulers he did what they wanted.

Leaving the others to fight they're way back to the wooden palace.

They made it to the wooden palace entrance, a elder elf named Jarick Leafman with a freckles on his face just like his grandaughter, he casted a banished spell to vanish the creepy crawlers from their land.

And a spell to fix the Woodlands elves villagers home, in good shape repair as it was.

Everyone is relived that the terror of the Creepy crawlers is gone.

The group rested and waited to the next day, to go along with Earvin's shortcut plan through the Woods of Shem were the fairies live in.

Next page.....

Author note: This story take awhile to make my keyboard kept pressing the wrong word in place. Don't you just hate that when this happens as a writer, writing your story. I want to make this story understandable.

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