Chapter 17 Wicked stepmother

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Author note: "The reason why this chapter is called Wicked stepmother, it's just example of Kitratira personality before her fall oops I said to much. You will find out soon, just keep reading the story until you do."


But what Darkeem does not know was that Kiratira was not all that she seemed to be. While she appeared kind and gracious on the surface, there was a darkness that lurked within her, a darkness that was only revealed when she thought no one was looking.

Kitratira had never been fond with children despite having a biological son, who

she rarely acknowledged. She had taken in a young boy named Shakur years ago, but she treated him more like a servant than a adopted son. Shakur had a younger

sister name Salie, who lived in an orphanage called "Tomb Home For Drow Children And Creatures." Kitratira had promised Shakur that she would one day bring home Salie so they can all be a family, she made that promise but she never did keep it.

Kitratira's interactions with her soon to be groom, Darkeem's child Shanty had been less than pleasant. She despised Shanty for simply existing, especially since Shanty's was a half-blood drow and human like her father.

Shanty tried to warn her father about Kiratira, but Darkeem was blinded by love and refused to listen. Shanty could only hope and pray that her father would see the true nature of, her wicked soon to be step mother.

Before it was to late.

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