Chapter 3 Darkeem And His Brother

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Author Note: The Backstory of The Two Brothers, this story of them might be sad.
You will learn that Darkeem wears a hollow mask to cover his face.
Similar to the audio background picture.

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Hanaian is now unable to keep her secret any longer, Hanaian revealed her
true identity to everyone in the palace. The maids and servants screamed in terror

as realized that their queen was a drow elf, a feared in hated creature. King David,
feeling betrayed and deceived, he banished, Hanaian from the kingdom, ordering her to never return.

Hanaian left with tears, streaming down her face, she was forced to leave
her child behind by David. King David, his heart turned cold, he couldn't bear the truth, about his child's mother being a dark elf.

And the thought of raising a child with such dark heritage, as Darkeem and his brother grew into the age of teenagers.

Their relationship became strained, King David showed favouritism towards his older son Bentley, while Darkeem felt unloved and rejected by his own father. Few days later,

Darkeem joined a bandit gang full of drow elfs, even though he was half-human
He had to prove to them he was more drow than human, despite of him being

infused with both heritage. He had gotten into trouble a lot, he believed deep in his heart his father never loved him.

The two brothers often fought and arugued, but despite their differences, Bentley
still loved his brother. He reassured Darkeem that even though, their father,

despised him, he would always be there for him. Darkeem, filled with anger and
resentment, cried and cleached his fists, unable to comprehend the reality why
his on father, would always viewed him as a mistake.

As the brothers attended public school, Darkeem became an outcast, he had gotten
into many fights, one student who bullied the other teens , out of hatred he broke a glass bottle and cut a split.

Across Darkeem's right eyebrow, down to his eyesocket,the teachers paid him no mind. The school nurse, didn't want to help heal him his wound. He was left in pain,

even though Darkeem was in pain. He managed to shake off his pain, in fought back
against his bully, who harmed him. He was sent home from the principal, for

attacking. Five weeks later he enter the school building with his brother, wearing a hollow mask to cover his face. Away from everyone that feared his appearance. The other children, ran away from him when he was near, including the bully of the school, and again the teachers paid him no attention to him.

The years passed, Bentley and Darkeem are young men, and King David
had died and left a letter note, to his sons. Bentley as the new leader of the kingdom,
but he left Darkeem with nothing. Bitterness has taken over Darkeem, as he felt
unwanted by his own bloodline father.

Fate had other plans for Darkeem, he met a human woman named Faie, she was the only human woman who was not afraid of him, she found his presence enjoyable,

when he's around her, they fell in love with each other. She worked as a doctor in the Brightwell palace. Darkeem and Faie married, Bentley  and his pregnant wife attended to the wedding with their son Brayton, he was 9 years old.

Darkeem and Faie soon welcomed a baby girl into their lives, whom they named
Shanty. Just five days after her birth, Faie fell ill. She warned her husband not to
come near her, fearing that he and Shanty would also become sick with the plague.

As she fainted, Darkeem cried out her name, but she doesn't respond.

Desperate, he called the nearest hospital on the steampowered phone.

Days passed, and Darkeem anxiously awaited, for the news about his wife.
Finally, the call came, but it brought tragic news. The nurse informed him

that Faie had passed away. In that moment Darkeem dropped the phone,

his heart felt like, it shattered into a million pieces. He picked up baby Shanty,
holding her close as she cried, trying to comfort his child the best way, that he

With a heavy heart, Darkeem made a difficult decision. He placed Shanty
in a basket, carefully wrapping her in a soft wool blanket. He gathered her
belongings and traveled on foot, all the way from the townside of Brightwell
to the palace.

He kissed his baby on the forehead goodbye, and left a note inside the basket.

He then rang the doorbell of Brightwell Palace, where his brother and his family

Bentley's wife answered the door, confusion evident on her face as she realized,
Darkeem was nowhere to be found. Her eyes light up when she saw her baby

niece inside the basket. She instinctively picked her up, bringing her inside their

King Bentley, astonished by his brother's sudden disappearance, he read the note
that was inside the basket.

The note expressed Darkeem's pain and his decision to leave Brightwell.
He ackownledged his own shortcomings, and the blame he had placed on his brother

for Fair's death. He asked Bentley to take care of Shantaiya, to raise her to be good and

different from him. In that moment, Bentley  heart softened, and he did as his brother

wished. And he vowed to be a better father, than his father ever was to him and  his brother Darkeem.

Darkeem moved far away, in the Dark Meadows, were the Dark elves live.

He had gotten a job offer to be the Drow King, advisior.

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