Chapter 25 Peace For Now In The Realm

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Author Note: Their finally at peace or are they? Is their quest really over what do you think? Let me know your true finally thoughts.

As the sun rose a new day, the people all around, began the arduous task of rebuilding. With determination and unity, they worked tirelessly to mend what had been before.

And as they rebuilt their beloved townside, they vowed to never forgot the bravery of those who stood against the terrifying Queen Kiartira. Ensuring that her region of darkness would forever remain a distant memory. In their minds, Meanwhile, after rebuilding was over, Brayton gave all of his allies, a gift with a plant flower that has the same abilities as them, he told them he's been studying on the plants, he found out the plants may grant you your powers, but increase your strength. But don't go to Bersek with it as his, uncle Darkeem.

His father told the group, to much power can cause anyone, to lose the good in their hearts, he says this as he remembers his brother Darkeem.

Before the group disband, King Harold asked them can he depend on them if anymore, foes lurk through the realm causing terror.

They all agreed that they will regroup, in due time.

Earvin and Akasha returned back to the Woodlands, alongside with their people.

Xavion and Tiama and Ne'tiama returned back to their cottage home- farm, to their family. And the siblings told their family their wild adventure, and the foes they faced. And That uncle Kevet and cousin Assyria said hi.

As soon as the family was about to eat their dinner, uncle Kevet and his wife and Daughter were at the door.

They welcome their loved ones in to eat at the dinner table, a wonderful home cooked meal, that Vachelle had made, for desert that had, Apple pie, with syrup carmel spreaded across.

Chapter 26 Strange Nightmare

Back in the Brightwell Kingdom King Bentley , was holding a picture of him in his brother Darkeem when they we're younger.

Shanty walks into the room, in gives her uncle Bentley a gentle hug, and he pats her
on the head, calls her by her Nick name, little princess She always giggled when he calls her that. "I Love you uncle Bentley ." said Shanty. "Love you to my little

princess, I'm sorry your father had a change of heart." " But I'm here, your auntie and cousins are too we will always be there for you." "While we can, you don't have to worry." said Harold.

Gage was with his mother, helping her looked to find the old key to the music room.

Brayton, walked straight into his room and fell asleep, but as soon as he was dreaming he started having visions of a familiar face.

Of a man That wears a Black leather jacket, dark shades with red and orange flames.
It first he thought it was Darkeem but it was someone else. Except this elf man, did not half human bloodline. His hair was ebony dark, with piercing white glowing eyes. Tall frame.

In the dream Brayton, that he was having a nightmare, as soon as he walked closer to the elf man, it looked like Darkeem, but as he got closer, the appearance changed.

The man looks at Brayton, with a blunt expression. He showed Brayton his left hand. Smoke arise from the elf man's hand, until it flicker like spark. It became fire in his hand, he formed the fire into a ball in aimed it at Brayton. Causing him to wake from his sleep.

He walked over to to the window and saw the familiar man, from his dream. He turned around in his room, this time the man appeared in front of him seven inches away, from him.

The elf man spoke; "My name is Urick Meadows, I knew what you, and your allies done to my Father and Mother, and to my people."

Brayton protested, "Me and my families allies had nothing to do with your Father and Mother."

"I never meet King Vorick before in my life. I only heard about through my father."

"You're a liar Brayton, a beamer told me something in my ear, that you truly have."

"You can't accused me of something I didn't do."

This time he charged at Brayton with powerful, fire ball spell, that lead Brayton get knocked out.

Brayton got up from his bed, and realize he was dreaming, he double pinches his arm to make sure he's actually awake this time.

And the morning , he decided to skip breakfast in he travels to the feline folks village, and tells the dream captivate
about his dreams.

The older feline lady, with bright colors, and with hair color as white as snow styled in dreads told him, and his friends are in great danger. In someone is pulling tough strings. A fellow feline folk young man, named Pawul, he had a humanoid
appearance, is fur skin was Light yellow and, with white striped hair streaks. , he wore a adventurest, attire, and a sun hat his ears are a part of his hair,his tail was the color as his fur. He was order by the King of the Feline Folks. King Yearn is Pawul father to go with Brayton, to gather Akasha and Earvin, so that they can all travel to Sneed Family, cottage home, knocking on their door.

They went to warn their friends and their family about the great danger approaching.

Here's how King Yearn looks
Art illustration of King Yearn

Here's  how King Yearn looks Art illustration of King Yearn

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I'm inspired by how thundercats look feline folks.

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