Chapter 24 Wicked Bug Queen

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Author Note: Read the story to find out what happened.

Fuelled by her desire for power and revenge, she had develed into forbidden magic, transforming herself into a horrifying creature.

As the clock struck midnight, the Queen's transformation began.

With a bone- chilling screech, Kiratira grew in size, her limbs elongating and twisting into a eight long, hairy legs.

Her once beautiful face contorted into a grotesque spider-like visage, complete with multiple eyes, and sharp fangs dripping with vemon.

Standing at a terrifying height of fourty four feet. She towered over the festival grounds, casting a dark shadow upon the unsuspecting revelers.

Panic ensued as people screamed and scattered in terror. Xavion and his sister's Ne'tiama and Tiama, immediately rushed to find their friends. Akasha and Earvin, in Brayton, in the chaos. Together, they formed as a small group, like they did in their previous fight against foes. To confront the monstrous Queen and protect, the villagers.

As they bravely fought back against the colossal spider, their efforts proved futile. Queen Kiartira's speed and agility were unmatched. Her legs swinging out with deadly precision. With a single swipe, she sent the group flying across the townside water lake, their clothes drenched from the impact.

Miraculously, they managed to escape the water unharmed. Relieved that there were no deadly creatures lurking beneath the surface. As they left the water surface the group out of the water. In notice their clothes are wet from beinging knocked into the water. Brayton looks at his friends and ask if there were okay; each of his friends stated their expression answers.

"NOOOOOO!, my hair is WET!"; said Tiama.

"My hair is wet too Tiama, you're not the only one SiS!"; said Ne'tiama.

"All our hairs in clothes are WET!,
Oh my gretih!, Tiama and Ne'tiama, both of your hairs Curled Up!"; said Akasha in a excitement voice.

"Our hair does that when it's wet, it curls up"; said Ne'tiama.

That's, Marvelous!; said Akasha.

Three girls conversation was interpreted by the, two boys sharing there disdain of the impact of getting knocked into the water.

"That creature was no joke, it was bold and Tremendous!,
I'm so glad i didn't carry any snacks in my pock....;" Earvin was cut off by Xavion angered tone.

"Doggoned It!"; said Xavion.

"What is it!, Xavion what's wrong?"; said Tiama in Ne'tiama, trying to see why
their brother was upset, and Brayton, Akasha, Earvin, awaited curiously for him to answer, as the chaos is around them.

He holds up, a soggy, brown paper bag in turns the bag upsides down.
Causing the soggy baked banana bread to fall out to the ground with a loud,
Squash! sound effect.

"IT'S! no good now, i was saving it for later Darn it!"; said Xavion

As he balled up the brown paper bag into a ball in threw it to the ground right next the used to be banana bread.

"Look at it y'all it looks like just like vomit Now!"; said Xavion.

While his sister's, and Brayton and Earvin, Akasha tried to hold in their laughter in.

"That's not funny guys!" ; said Xavion as he trys to also hold in his laughter.

They all began, to rejoicing in that moment.

A older elven man walked up to them, in remind them they had to take down the

The baby spiders that's lurking around.

"We will elder"; said Earvin.

Battle between the Horrid Bug queen.

The three kings order their men to attack the beast but, their men were not a match for the creature.

To make matters worse, the bug queen had laid her eggs on top of the Brightwell townside bakery market in hatched, a swarm of baby spiders crawled and climbed.

The baby spiders crawled at a massive terrifying speed, five of the spiders driven by instinct target a young feline folk woman. Snatching her with their long, hairy arms and ensnaring her in a suffocating web, layer.

Other souls were caught in giant webs struggling to break free.

Just as hope seemed lost, Jarick Leafman, the grandfather of Akasha woodelf. Stepped forward armed with his Wooden staff. He approached the bug queen, with bravery and swiftness. With a strike, he aimed for the creature's heart, piercing it with his magical wepon. As he was finishing off, the horrid queen. He told Akasha and and her allies to attack the remaining spiders.

The bug queen rolled over on her back, screeching with agony. Her monstrous form faded away ash. She is now defeated she says her finally words after that Let me be with my late husband and my other beloved, through the afterlife. After saying hear finally words she layed lifeless on the ground, her black blood stained the realm.

Jarick Leafman, with a final incantation, cast a vanishing darkness spell, so that Queen Kiartira spirit and physical form. Will never return, ever again.

Everyone after the terror, event rejoiced, grateful for their hero. However, the damage caused by the bug queen's rampage was extensive. King Harold knew he had to find a way to repair. The destruction and restore the kingdom townside to its former glory.

( Even though Jarick Leafman, killed off the dark queen. In her horrid bug form,
Her soul is still alive, but she can never ever. Comeback to harm the Woodlands elves, the Brightwell Kingdom, and the Feline Folks treasured land.

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