Chapter 10 Pirate Ship Attacked by Trolls!

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Art illustrations of uncle Kevet pirate ship

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Art illustrations of uncle Kevet pirate ship

Ne'tiama and Tiama, ran to hug their uncle Kevet who's outfit attire is, grey and dark blue, left eye patch. and their nineteen year old cousin Assyria who also wore a pirate attire.

Xavion introduced Brayton and Akasha, in Earvin to his uncle Kevet.

He told him were they were heading, a yellow blue bird landed on Kevet left side of his shoulder.

The Parrot repeated everthing that Kevet said causing everyone on board to smile and laugh.

Brayton and Akasha took a sit on the wood chairs, the chef passed out min meat pies, that were freshly baked from the oven and fresh made lemonade refreshments.

Everyone ate their lunch, and enjoyed their meal.

Assyria noticed something big was coming their way, moving very fast. She looked through the seeing telescope. She tried to warn her dad he was to busy steering the ship.

She told her cousin Xavion he looked and saw what she saw.

BAM! the ship rocked back and forth. Kevet had to keep the ship steady under his control, so everyone on board will be alright.

Everyone stopped doing what their were doing in looked to see the other ship, right by theirs.

They waited with courtesy, of wanting to know what are who was on that ship.

Uncle Kevet stop steering wheel, on walked towards the view of the other ship.

With his sword in his hand, within three seconds, trolls appeared out of the ship.

"Well I be a monkey's uncle, it's trolls!" said Kevet.

Everyone shared glances at the smaller frame height, trolls.

Hold up I thought trolls lived under bridge's what they doing here?

Asked one of Kevet crewmembers.

The troll leader, got out of the they're ship last, it was a little taller then the others, almost was Brayton height.

The troll leader emerged has crew to attack everyone on board.

Kevet and everyone fought against the trolls.

The leader of the trolls went straight to Brayton to attack him, and as it was fighting him it spoke to him.

The troll leader: "You will never received that ortex flower, hidden deep inside the caves. It belongs to the Dark Meadows elves, we became allies with them because you, humans and Wooden elves, and feline folks as well our are enemy's."

"You guys are unpredictably!" said Brayton to the troll leader.

He blind the troll leader with, flickering light at it's eyes, causing the troll to run into Ne'tiama and Tiama kicks.

And getting knocked over board by a axe handle, Xavion's weapon.

The trolls saw their leader had been knocked into the water, they became angered.

Everyone on Kevet ship had to fight them with all their might, due to the fact the trolls may be a bit smaller frame height the humans, by they carry a mighty strength.

The reason why they have that strength, Darkeem give them a small dose, of a secret ingredient.

Earvin and Akasha, in the twins including their brother Xavion, and cousin Assyria, all helped to knock all the remaining trolls in the ocean.

Their planned succeed, the celebrated their win.

Kevet announced to everyone on board that they were all heading to Merfolk island sea waters, because it's a shortcut to get to the north side of realm quicker.

Author Note: I hope you enjoyed the story so for, and you understand my weird writing style🤣.

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