■Chapter 4 Dark Elves ■

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Author text message : The year in their Realm, for everyone in it, it's 3034. This plot scene is about the drow elves( Dark elves).

 This plot scene is about the drow elves( Dark elves)

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Dark castle■

In depths of the Dark Meadows, where shadows dance and darkness reigned.

King Vorick, the formidable dark ruler, found himself consumed by anger. He stormed into his chambers, his face contorted with frustration. And his wife, Kiatira, could sense the the storm brewing within him.

Throne room■

As Vorick paced back and forth, in his voice laced with fury, he vented his frustration to his wife

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As Vorick paced back and forth, in his voice laced with fury, he vented his frustration to his wife. "Can you believe it, Kiatira? Those humans have discovered newfound abilities for themselves! They grow stronger with each passing day, while we, the feared and powerful drow elves, seem to be losing our edge."

Kiatira, unimpressed by her her husband's outburst, rolled her eyes and retorted,
"Since when did you become so weak, Vorick? You were once the man of, embodiment of power and fear. Now, you let these humans, wooden elves, feline folks, overshadow you." "I know you can do better than THIS!; said his wife.

His anger flaring up, Vorick balled his fist and slammed it down on his thorne."It's not my fault Kiatira!" he exclaimed, in his voice echoing through the chamber. "Besides, thoses allies of ours were supposed to keep an eye on those pesky

WOODEN ELVES!." And those Feline Folks too!" All of them! said the Dark king.

Kiatira, her voice speaking in a toxic disdain voice spoke up, "Why can't you be how you used to be, Vorick! Remember the old days when everyone feared us? Don't you

miss that feeling?" Just then Darkeem enter the room. "And why can't you be like your adviser Darkeem?"; said the evil queen.

The Queen's words struck a nerve within Vorick, but he paid her ambitions no attention. Instead he turned his attention to Darkeem, his trusted adviser.
"We need you to get Shakur ready," Vorick commended, his voice filled with determination."He must invest in the Woodlands, We cannot waste anymore time."

Kiatira, the cunning empress, injected, her eyes gleaming with mischief as she winked at the adviser.

"Darkeem, we must act swiftly,"; said the Dark king.

"Shakur will go in digiused a Woodland elf. He can trick them and plant a bug nest right in their homeland. "Only proceed the plan at night time, and oh I heard some humans are their as well." said the Dark king; After what has been said the Dark king made a sinister laugh that echoed with his deep voice.

The King's gaze briefly met his wife's, who's eyes are still gleaming at Darkeem as he leaves. The King was blindness of his wife showing instersing glares at Darkeem.

Author note: The Drow Queen hair color was originally black, but I changed it.
Now back to the  story!

Kiatira sitting on her throne
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He remained focused on his plans; He knew that time was essence, and he couldn't afford to be swayed by her ambition ways

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He remained focused on his plans; He knew that time was essence, and he couldn't afford to be swayed by her ambition ways.

And so, Shakur traveled to the Woodlands elves, homeland. But his true identity is unknown to them. Under the cloak of darkness, he planted the bug's nest right in their homeland directly at night, when the woodlands elves human friends arrived.

The Drow King and Queen, have huge ambitions planned, but only have they knew. Adviser Darkeem had a far greater plan in mind of his on ambitions.

Kiartira talks to her husband, about their son Urick for not being in the meeting, as usually. She hated that her son showed no interest in being the next ruler or doing, anything that she tells him.

Vorick becames annoyed with his wife, about their son, Urick. He told her that Urick will come around way sooner or later.

Kiartira does not see how that would be true, all their son does. Is hangs out at the Pub bars, and party, and slack around, and being around elven women. He has no motivation of any responsibility, despite of him being a powerful fire user.

Author note: New picture added, the  drawing give me a hard time because  my lines, but you probably  won't be able to see it.

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