Chapter 14 Gone Child!

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In the Brightwell Kingdom during midnight; a huge dark cloud shadow aura, merged right between the palace doors. Everyone was in their rooms in a deep sleep, except for the royal guards who were guarding the room doors.

The cloud sneaked past the guards and made its way through the halls, where King Harold and his wife were asleep, and their son Gage was sleeping in the next room. The room over from Gage's room was his cousin Shanty's room, which was being guarded by the guards.

The figure of the dark shadow formed; into a dark elf male, with silver-light brown skin, green eyes, black cloak, and shirt and pants, a scar on splint between his right eye, medium long nails, white tribe tattoos on face. Brown hair color with white hair toned of the bottom of his hair. The he gurads noticed him and didn't waste no time to fight him, but he tricked them with a quick illusion spell. That made the two men fight each other, until they both knocked each other out cold.

He entered into the room and noticed Shanty was not in her bed sleeping. However, Shanty heard the noise from outside her room, she was hold a Clever sword in her hand, trembling in fear in the corner of her room.

As the dark shadow man figure moved closer towards her, she dropped her weapon, to the ground it made a clack noise when it fell from her grip.

She looked over to a picture that was hanging on the wall of her room, and notice the resembles of the man looked exactly like the man, who is now standing in her room.

The man spoke to her, in a calm tone voice; "Your uncle never really told you about me, hasn't he?" "It's odd that he decided to keep my picture and hang right on your,

room wall." "Enigmatic ! of him for not you telling my own child about me!" he says in a now bitter tone of voice. Shanty became confused, for she thought Bentley was her real father.

Shanty looked at the man right in his eyes, she saw, she had his eyes and noticed, that her ears we're pointed elven ears, just like his is. The man spoke to her again, but this time in an fatherly loving tone; "Shanty, i'm Your real father, Darkeem. "I can't believe how many years it's been, look at you. "You look just like your mother Faie, and you have my eye's, my ears. "My child I miss you, very much." He says this as he reached out to hug her.

She Backs up from him in questions, and asked him why he was not around when she was growing up.

Darkeem explained to her, about him and his brother rival relationship and everthing he remembers, but he didn't tell her about why he camed, and his true evil intentions.

Shanty felt very enigmatic, wondering to herself, why her supposedly father didn't tell her about her real birth father.

The gurads that Darkeem had tricked had woken up, and were on their way up on their feets. To rush into the room in save her from Darkeem.

"Now!, Shanty, you know about your half -human drow elf heritage." " It's time you come with me now." he said in a demanding tone.

"But I'm going to miss my family here!" Shanty cried out loud in tears.

Darkeem reached for the tissue box and gave it to Shanty to wipe her tears from, her eye's.

Darkeem became impatient as he heard the guards called for back up, outside to knock the door open.

He told her she would have a new family where, she would see more folks like him and her.

The clock was ticking, and the guards were trying to knock the door open, but it wouldn't budge.

King Bentley  and his wife and son Gage woke up, to the noise that was carrying on.
They swiftly rushed into Shanty's room, and realization had hit them. That she was missing, Bentley wife cried for the sake of her niece, whom her and Bentley  raised as their own daughter, now taken from them.

Harold knew, that his brother had taken her, and knew what his brother was up to.

He ran down stairs and quick light motion, to his office and reached for his steampowered phone on the wall to talk to his son, Brayton about what had happened, while he was away.

Brayton tells his father that the Dark Ortex Flower hidden deep inside the caves, was not in the spot where it should have been.

"WHAT!" Bentley  exclaimed in shock, hearing from his son that the Dark Ortex Flower was taken, from someone.

And that's when he realized his brother had taken the Dark Ortex Flower, but he didn't know why.

After Bentley done talking to his son, Brayton hanged up the phone, that was in his pocket.

Brayton told his friends that his little sister is missing and that they can't disband yet and they will have to regroup. Determined to save her, he gather his friends Xavion, Earvin, Ne'tiama and Tiama, in Akasha. He gave them a plan, but they're was unsure if it will work.

Akasha expressed her intrusive thoughts about the situation, as Tiama and Ne'tiama did as well.

Poor Brayton, was frustrated and worried, he held his hands to his face, and held his head down.

Tiama went over to his side and reassured him that they would come up with a great plan to get Shanty, back home safely. Xavion mentioned how we're they supposed to save Shanty. From the Brightwell Kingdom all the way to the Dark Meadows elves lair.
Earvin shared his expression towards Xavion and says he has no idea either, and shrugged his shoulders.

Tiama gave Brayton a hug, that lasted for twenty seconds. Their hug was distracted by Ne'tiama. They pulled a inch away from each other.

Brayton thanked her for her concerns, Ne'tiama suggested that they should wear, armor since their regular attire was not meant for fighting.

They agreed and set a plan to make their way to the Dark Meadows.
"Well everyone this is a hour and Thirty minute travel;" said Earvin."No worries guy's I have a shortcut! It will be the quick route to take.

After Earvin said that, everyone turned their heads in looked wide eyed at him in looked at him, like he was insane.

Akasha expressed her mind and said; "Earvin this better not be a shortcut through the Woods of Shem again, I swear on my life spain I don't want to go back there and deal with those, mischievous fairies!"

"Nope it's not that type of shortcut, matter fact guys, I think we should take the royal palace horses from Brightwell Kingdom this time."; said Earvin, Akasha replied

"I don't know what happened to the horses we had coming here. said Assyria

Brayton agreed that they would take the Brightwell horses this time.

Next page.... turn the page to see what will happen next

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