•|𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 22|•

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The next three days were the exact same.
I ended up finding Ezekiel with new bruises each day in a different place. Tuesday he was in the gym again, Wednesday was by the pool and I almost had a heart attack thinking that he couldn't swim.

Today, I'm heading to the library because that's where I'm getting his signal from.
After the second time he stopped calling me for god knows what reason, so everyday he's 10 mins late after the dismissal bell I track his phone.

He's in the far end, I can't even get a good look at him as the light is almost nonexistent at this part.

"I really need to stop finding you this way every day Zeke."

I helped him on his feet, this time it seems like he punched back because his knuckles are bruised too and his face is relatively free of bruises.

"Can't you just tell me who the hell does this to you ! We've been back for one week and so far this has happened every single day" I whisper-yell at him not wanting to draw anyone's attention

He doesn't answer me, just like he never said a thing the last two times either. He doesn't talk until we get home and once every bruise is out of sight he just acts as if nothing happened.

What bothers me more is the fact that Elias and Elijah, who are always glued to each other's hips, don't seem to care about Ezekiel.
Other than lunch time where they sit together, I never see them talking or hanging out between classes.

Keeping my mouth shut this time, I drive us home and once I get him to his room I head to mine and lock my door.
Opening my laptop, I've held myself for a while now respecting his privacy but I'm no longer sitting back watching my brother get bullied.
Hacking the CCTV cameras of the school I start by Monday. Skipping through the footage I stop once I see Zeke cornered by 3 jocks near the gym.

I watched the whole thing with clenched fists, going to the 3 next days as well, they're the same assholes on all the footage.

Getting a good look at them memorizing their faces. I get back to my attack planning on the Russians.
If everything goes according to what I've planned, I'd have my weapons safe in my warehouse by next Wednesday.

Texting Noah to get daily reports about Mirage and InTech, and working through some paperwork before I'm called to dinner.

By the time the elders get back from wherever they spend their day, dinner is already served.

I meet Zeke and Logan on the stairs

"Hi there Rose! How was school today?" Logan asks in his overly cheerful voice. He's been asking me the same question everyday even though he's been receiving the same answer from me.

"School's fine, same as everyday"
"How are your classes going? If you ever need help on something just come to me and I'll help you with anything!"

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