•|𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 17|•

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As we were on our way back, the car fell into an awkward silence.

I hate those!

Ezekiel had his head buried in a book, but anyone who really knows Zeke would immediately know that he wasn't paying any attention to his book. We were both preoccupied with Lily in the backseat.

She is awfully quiet. And I know she's been this way ever since we got her back but right now it just feels different.

Something isn't right.

The moment she started getting paler minute felt like my heart stopped for an instant. I have never driven so fast in my life and once we made it home, both Ezekiel and I stepped out and opened her door.

She was lost in her thoughts that much was clear, and they weren't the happiest thoughts either. It was like a fog was clouding her eyes, Zeke shook her shoulders but she didn't even blink.

We both looked at each other, Zeke had tears in his eyes and I can confirm that my eyes were mirroring his.

"Lily, chérie please snap out of this. You're here with us, you're with Logan and Ezekiel" I tried talking to her, thinking she might recognize my voice and realize that whatever illusion she was living in.

Holding her frail hands in mine, the first thing that hit me was how cold and pale her skin was. The bluish veins on her wrists were as noticeable as the sun on a bright summer day. I felt myself starting to panic but I knew I had to keep it together.

I kept calling her name over and over while holding her hands in mine. She slowly started to regain herself. She looked around and I think she recognized me and Zeke. Her eyes kept going back and forth between my brother and me and suddenly her eyes started to get out of focus.

Ezekiel threw everything that was in the backseat and laid her down on her back while I kept trying to keep her awake. In the heat of the moment, none of us noticed that the door of the mansion was open or that dad was coming towards the car, all I could think about was my sister who just lost consciousness due to a panic attack.

I lift her between my arms and her weight just added to my concerns. It was as if I was holding a newborn and not a seventeen-year-old girl.

I rushed to our infirmary with her in my arms and I could faintly hear Dad asking what was going on, I ran past the rest of my brothers and Lucian joined Dad in demanding a sort of explanation.

Good luck getting Ezekiel to talk cause I sure as hell won't waste my time for them!

Once I put her on the bed, Lucian followed by Ryker and Dad immediately surrounded us. I called our family doctor because I knew I wouldn't be in a good head space to do anything to help her.

"Logan, tell me this instant what the hell is wrong with my daughter?" Dad almost yelled but I knew he'd never do so in Lily's presence, no matter whether she was conscious or not.

"She had a panic attack or some sort of flashback thing, I-I don't know what happened she just fainted and I brought her in"

"Pff she already started with her drama, didn't take her that long," Elijah said from the doorway

He received a punch in the face delivered by Ezekiel which shocked us more than what he said, and then Zeke threw both Elijah and Elias out of the room.

"When is this doctor coming? She's been out for too long something is definitely wrong" he signed to me and I could see that he was barely holding on and probably fighting a panic attack himself.

Fuck how could I forget about Zeke's episodes!

I reach out to him and take him in my arms, he immediately clutches onto my shirt fisting it in his hands, "Hey hey hey, nothing is going to happen to her you hear me. She'll wake up and we'll avenge her, whatever it is that caused her to be in this state we will not let her suffering go in vain"

Moments later the doctor came in and simultaneously Lily started slowly waking up. Grunting and trying to get up we all head up to her

"Hey chérie take it easy"

"Don't move yet, the doctor's here"

"Easy there petite soeur stay in your bed"

She was still in a daze that much was obvious, her eyes were moving between us all and I knew that if we kept the room crowded it could cause her another attack.

As if he read my mind, Ezekiel signed to the rest of our family to leave. As some of them, mainly Lucian and Ryker surprisingly, merely started to complain I told them that it was for her and that she needed it right now.

With grunts of disapproval, they started leaving one by one till we emptied the room and left our little sister in the hand of our family doctor hoping and praying to any God up there that she won't have something life-threatening.

I just want my sister to be alright, even if I have to lay my life down for her I'd do it, just for her.

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