•|𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 2|•

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I've been stuck here in this stupid office for over 3 hours and my stomach is playing all kinds of symphonies. I haven't eaten anything in several hours and the clothes that I'm putting on are miserably failing in keeping me warm.

God! How much time does it take to put a fucking child in foster care?

My ankle is hurting bad and I didn't treat my cuts after I took that shower. I can only pray that they won't get infected.
I can feel the blood dripping down my back, at this moment I'm grateful for wearing black clothing. My chest is burning with every breath I take, I'm 1000% sure that my ribs are broken or at least some of them, it feels as if I'm adding fuel to a burning fire pit everytime I inhale some air.

Soon enough black spots start blurring my sight due to the lack of oxygen and I start getting lightheaded. I try to stand up to get a drink from the water dispenser but it felt like my feet were glued to the ground.

Sighting I sit still in my very uncomfortable chair, soon I feel myself drifting out of consciousness, I try making it seem like I was getting sleepy because the last I need right now is to black out in the middle of a Police station.

Well , it seems like it's time for me to take a nap ...


While Lily-Rose was zoning out thinking about her injuries and worrying about her whereabouts, the cops in the station were still trying to find any living relatives that are willing to take her in before putting her name in the foster care system, it doesn't really help that there is no trace of any Lily-Rose Alvarez anywhere. They were trying really hard, especially Officer Mayes as they know beforehand how cruel, vicious and unfair the foster care system is, they saw the innocence in Lily's eyes despite her trying to hide it and they didn't want her to suffer or worst getting abused.

If only they knew ...

After approximately 5 hours of searching and going through tons of files from the archives, they have finally found a match, a relative, they finally found Lily's biological father.
To say that they were shocked would be an understatement, they were terrified to say the least, turns out Lily-Rose's last name wasn't Alvarez and she was the one and only girl in the all mighty Knight family, she is the youngest Knight, the youngest and only daughter of Azrael Alexander Knight.

Officer Mayes threw a glance towards the little girl and saw that she was "sleeping" curled up in the chair of the waiting area, sighting they wondered how can such a pure little angel be related to the ruthless family of Knight's, the family of monsters.
They grabbed a blanket and covered the little girl's frame with it before heading to call the devil himself, the mighty Azrael Knight.


Meanwhile in the Knight's mansion, Azrael was in his daughter's room as per usual. Sitting on the floor with her baby picture in one hand and a glass of burbon in the other.

This was his unbreakable ritual, every single night he would head to his youngest child's room and just sit there till his overwhelmed with the memories.

Suddenly, a buzzing sound broke him out of his trance, putting his glass down he pull his phone out of his pocket and answer without uttering a single word with his eyes still glued to his baby's picture.

"L.A.P.D , this is Officer Mayes. Am I speaking to Mr. Knight?"

Sighting, Azrael started thinking which one of his stupid careless sons got himself in trouble again.

"Which one of my sons is in your custody? And how much should I pay ?"

Azrael already had a hunch that it'll not be anyone other then Ryder, Elijah or Elias. These three just can't keep themselves out of trouble, they cause the stupidest problems and end up getting caught.

Nothing in the univers could have prepared him for what he was about to hear from that Officer

"No sir! None of your sons is in our custody at the moment. However I am calling you regarding your lost daughter-"

The father felt his whole world stop spinning, he looked at the picture he had in hand and for the second time in his entire life he was afraid. The big Azrael Knight, the ruthless killer was afraid, scratch that he was terrified.
All these years he lives with the hope of being reunited with his Petite Étoile (little star), and now he is scared of what this officer was about to say.
Tears gathered in his eyes and a knot formed in his throat forbidding him from uttering a single sound, he was silently pleading to any God that he wasn't going to retrieve or identify his daughter's body. He couldn't even imagine having to bury his little girl after missing 15 years of her life.

So he prayed, he was in no mean a religious person but at that moment clutching desperately to the picture in his hand he prayed to any God willing to listen to keep his daughter safe and to bring her back to them, to her family where she belongs.

"-we have your daughter in our custody and she needs a legal guardian. Are you willing to take Lily-Rose Knight in your custody Mr Knight?"

After hearing these words, Azrael froze.
His petite princesse (little princess)! In a police station in L.A ! She will be back again, she will live among them again and spend the rest of her life with her family.

Their final piece was finally found and their family will no longer be broken, birthday's and holiday's won't be full of sorrow anymore because there fundamental member won't be missing anymore, their laughter won't be fake anymore because their source of joy will come back to them, they won't have to silently cry themselves to sleep every night because their angel will be with them under the same roof.

They finally found her
And they will never let her go
Not over their dead body
Or will they ?


Helloooo lovies!

Here's the second chapter "Yaaayy"
Sorry it's a bit short but I'll make it up for you guys in the next chapter, pinky promise <3
Tell me what you're thinking so far ?
How do you think Azrael is ?
Will he be a good father ? Or will he let her down ?

Please vote after reading this chapter, it really makes my day and encourage me to write more.
That's it for today,
Love <3

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