•|𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 20|•

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The next few days were monotonous. I was confined to bed, and not allowed to do anything.

Or so they thought

I did all my work on my laptop anyway, I came up with a good plan to retrieve my weapons and also took care of some paperwork that's been pending.

Hades has been keeping me company, much to his owner's disdain.

Today is my, second, first day in high school after five years of finishing my academic years.

It's currently 6 a.m. and I'm already dressed and finishing up some details about my new book release.

A knock sounds on my door and I ignore it knowing that whoever is out there will get in anyway. Almost immediately Ezekiel's head peeks from the door.

I let out a little chuckle as his cheeks got tinted a bit, I assume he thought I was still in bed and didn't think I'd be on my desk this early.

"What is it, Ezekiel?" I said as I shut my laptop

"I thought you'd still be asleep, but since you're not wanna grab breakfast on the way to school?" He signs to me and thinking about it, it's better than having breakfast with the rest of them.

"Sure, but I'm driving" I sign to him then grab my bag and put my laptop in it. I already have everything I need, and it's not like I'll be in school a lot. Only a couple of days and I'd have to attend my meetings and tend to the things that actually matter to me, aka my companies.

We both met at the stairs and as we made our way down we met Azrael and Lucian as well as the twins in the dining room.

"Where are you two going? It's still early for school and you haven't eaten anything yet" Lucian said, his eyes going back and forth between Ezekiel and me. I looked at Ezekiel and shrugged making my way out and leaving him to explain, I don't have the energy to address any of their comments this morning.

All I have in mind is the fact that one week from now, I'll be attacking the filthy Russians who dared steal my precious weapons. I still had to think about it thoroughly and visit the warehouse where they kept them to find a way to get the upper hand since I'd be taking a small number of my men with me to keep a low profile.

As I got in the garage I heard the heavy steps of Zeke behind me. We got in the car and took our leave without a word.


The first half of my day as a sophomore again was boring, to say the least.

Classes passed by in a blur and I was on my phone 95% of the time, the other 5% I was contemplating what the hell I was doing there in the first place.

Lunchtime came by, and Ezekiel texted me that he'd wait for me to show up. I was making my way to the cafeteria, which happened to be at the literal end of the school.

How dumb was the person who drew the plans to this school?

I kept my gaze on my phone while I was walking, and I later realized that it was a stupid idea. Sadly, that realization didn't come until I bumped into none other than Elijah, aka the number one jerk of the family, after Ryder ofc.

He was surrounded by some of his friends I assume, and two blonde bimbos clutching to him like freaking leeches.

"Watch where the fuck you're going you blind bitch" he barks the moment his eyes land on me.

The hatred in his eyes was almost equivalent to the one I have for the poor excuse of humans who raised me.

Sort of funny since I actually have a reason to hate them for all that they did to me, but him? The dude didn't even know me a month ago!

Ignoring him I moved aside to take my leave but apparently, that wasn't good either.

He let go of the two girls in his arms and made his way to me.

Can this guy be any more predictable and lame?

I can single handly kick his ass right here in front of the whole damn school, not that he knows that but I am definitely debating this option right now.

"When I fucking speak to you. You answer. I don't care how the hell you grew up but you will not disrespect me. It won't end well for you"

The moment he finished his little speech, I was harshly thrown into the lockers. My back hit it with a hard slam and I hissed at the contact of the wound in my back. It was healing so well these few days, if this shit keeps happening my back will never fully heal.

Getting back on my feet I only look at him once

"The day your little ego will stop being offended by a lack of answer will be the day I give you a proper one. Till then I don't want to lose any brain cells on you"

If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under almost immediately. I could see it in his eyes that he wanted to hit me, and I'd made up my mind that I would hit back twice harder. Screw blowing up my cover I won't let a class-A jerk bully me.

He managed to land two steps before Elias showed up and asked what was going on. He saw his twin coming my way so he stepped right in front of me blocking my view from Elijah.

Is he protecting me?

"Elijah, if you make a scene right now we will be the only ones in trouble with Dad." Elias said as he stopped his brother by the shoulder

Oh, I spoke too soon

He turns back to me while still holding his brother "I'm not holding him back for your sake so get the hell away from here"

Without giving it much thought, I continued my way to the lunch room where Ezekiel was standing.

"Where were you? Lunchtime is almost over?" he asked with hints of concern on his face

"I just met your triplets on the way and got a bit held up"

"Did they say anything to you? They hurt you?"

"No, they didn't I just came across them in the way. Now let's get something to eat"

The rest of the day was uneventful.

Once classes were dismissed I texted Ezekiel to meet me by my car. I got there before him so I figured he'd just got held up in class.

Fifteen minutes passed by, the parking lot was almost empty and there wasn't any sign of Ezekiel, even his triplets left a while ago.

I called him twice just to be sure before starting to get really concerned. I didn't get any callbacks or even a text message.

I started making my way back to the entrance of the school. Walking through the empty hallways I kept calling him in his cell just to hear it ring somewhere.

I was near the junior block when I finally got a text back from Ezekiel. 

Zeke: Lily please come to the school gym 

I ran there immediately knowing that his last class was history so what the hell would he be doing in the gym?

Something was definitely messed up

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