•|𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 16|•

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A/N: This chapter contains a very dark theme (child abuse/child labor) and some triggering events take place in it, please proceed with caution and remember a book or a chapter and worth impacting your mental health

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A/N: This chapter contains a very dark theme (child abuse/child labor) and some triggering events take place in it, please proceed with caution and remember a book or a chapter and worth impacting your mental health.  


The ride back home was silent.

I could feel the weight of my words hanging in the air, and by the looks of it so does the boys.

I have never been in a position where I had to rethink my words, all my life I've been so sure of everything I do and say, mostly because I've never had to resolve to emotions most of my talks were always rational and in a professional setting so thinking if my words hurt was never something that occurred to me.

Come to think of it, emotions and feelings were never something that I dwelled on, least of all my own or someone else's. For as long as I can remember, making ends meet was all I had to think about. Coming up with plans to make money when I was too young to legally have a job yet I was expected to provide for two adults and feed on their drug and alcohol addictions otherwise I would get a near-death beating. I was never allowed to even think of getting something for myself, not even food because according to them I wasn't worthy of any luxury. I learned, as time passes, that if I wanted to get something for me, I had to think about it thoroughly and make sure that I won't get caught in any way or else the outcome won't be too pretty for me. I learned my lesson quite well when I was ten.


**10 years old Lily was walking back home late at night, she just got back from a dishwashing job in a bar that belongs to one of Robert's friends.**

Today is my birthday! I'm turning 10, not that it really matters. I've never celebrated any of my birthdays before, or any milestone really. I won't even be able to celebrate my high school graduation next year that's for sure, but I can't find it in me to care honestly.

Walking past a convenience store, my eyes fell on a little pack of cupcakes. I just got my paycheck from the bar, a few dollars fewer won't make such a difference. Right!?

I know that I might regret it if Sir ever suspects that the money isn't complete but I am so tempted to do something for myself just this once. Not giving it any more thought, I get in and purchase it.

I get myself a little candle too and make my way to a bench on the side of the street. I struggle a bit to get on the bench due to my height but eventually, I made it.

Holding the cupcake in my little trembling hands, I take a shaky breath and close my eyes. My silent repetitive wish passes smoothly past my lips, it's always the same every year since the day that I got to know that Robert isn't my biological father. Finishing up, I hurriedly eat the little sweet and run to get home so as to not be late.

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