•|𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 10|•

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I am on the brink of fainting

I obviously underestimated the amount of time that I would need to go through all the things on my agenda for today. It's currently 3 am and I am just parking in front of the bio's house, the lights are still on meaning that Azrael must still be waiting for me and I will certainly hear an earful of scolding today.

Not that I give a damn care about it, I just want to pass out on my bed as soon as possible.

Stepping out of my car, I head to the door and before I could even open it, it was flung open by my sperm donor.

"Where have you been Lily!! It's fucking 3 am, I thought that something bad happened and almost send out whole groups to search for you!"

"Spear me the act Azrael, I don't wanna hear it tonight"

Walking away from him, as I was making it to the stairs I was yanked back by my arm. Turning around I see that it's my lovely eldest brother, Lucian.

"When Father speaks, you listen and show respect. I don't give a damn if you were spoilt while living with your mother but here we live by rules, rules that everyone is obliged to act upon so now you go back and answer the question that he asked"

I don't know if it's because I was exhausted or simply because he was being imaginably stupid but I kept looking at him as if he had grown a pair of horns and had a red clown nose on his face.

"Why the hell are we even bothering, it is clear as the day that she was whoring around and I bet you she's fucking high that's why she ain't answering. Isn't that right you dumb bitch"

"Ryder!! Don't address your sister in such a manner"

You'd think that after I royally ignored his comments before he'd take it as a lesson and stop spitting nonsense but apparently I guess I took all the smart genes from this family, not that I feel bad about it or anything.

Snatching my arm from Lucian, I fixed my blazer that is sadly wrinkled because of his stupid tantrum.

"He is no father of mine just as none of you is family to me, you stay out of my business and I stay out of yours as long as I have to live here and you can respectfully shove your rules up in their rightful place. I have nothing in common with any of you all so the sooner you get that in your damn thick skull the better it would be"

Turning around to face their father "The day you picked me up from that station, I made it clear that for the next 2 years, I will simply L.I.V.E here. I don't need you to act all fatherly on me, I've taken care of myself for 16 years, and trust me I am more than capable of doing it for years to come"

Finally, I took some pity on Ryder and decided that it wouldn't hurt to answer him since his words were after all things that I have heard my entire existence so they're nothing new to me

"Oh and Ryder, the day that your words will start hurting me or even affecting me will be the day that I'll start seeing you all as more than a bunch of people that I happen to share the same DNA with. Now, I believe none of us thinks that this will ever happen so don't waste oxygen next time and keep your thoughts and opinion to yourself"

Finally, climbing up the stairs I was so lost in thoughts that I nearly missed a stair, waiting for the impact of the fall that didn't come, instead an immense pain shot through my shoulders indicating that someone caught me.

Wish they didn't, now I'm in more pain

Fixing my posture, I see that it's Ryker. Great! This day couldn't get any better.

"Where have you been till this hour?"

Are they for real, what's fucking wrong with this family!?

"And where are you heading at this hour?"

"That's none of your business"

"Then here's your answer"

This night seems to be never-ending, getting in my room at last.

I release a heavy breath, I am tired.

For an instance, I wanted to believe the concern that I saw in Azrael's eyes, I wanted to believe that they really care for me and that they never abandon me to that awful excuse of a woman.

But I know that it's only foolish fantasies, and they will never see me as a family member, more like a burden that they thought they got rid of and now is back in their life.

Luckily, I am not planning on sticking around for a long while. I head straight to the bathroom and start a cold shower. I could see my vision starting to get plagued with black dots so I sit on the floor and try to focus on what I can hear.

My head started getting heavy, and at this point, I knew I was going to pass out so I move a little to the side and try to take the corner as support. My chest was getting tighter by the second and all I could hear was the pounding of my heart and a slight ringing in my ears that eventually turned into dead silence and I was out.


Slowly gaining back consciousness, I feel the droplets of water hitting my face. My body feels ten times heavier and no part of me is pain-free. Drowsy, I try to get up on my feet and strip out of my wet clothes and change into a warm pair of pajamas. Throwing a glance at my alarm clock, it's almost 4:30.

Sighting, I hop on my bed and open my laptop. I need to know as much as I can about those disgusting thieves, one thing is for sure, they are not allies with the biological's mafia. That's a relief because I would hate it if I had to expose myself to them.

Feeling myself getting worked up, I shut down my laptop and decide to get some snacks before starting a new painting as it has been a while since the last time I had an exhibit.

I open my door, surprisingly the hallways are empty. I get down and head to the pantry, not thinking much about it I just pick up the first bag of chips that I saw and a granola bar.

As I was heading towards the stairs, my eyes fell on the back door that leads to the garden. Not giving it much thought, I turned on my steps and soon I found myself in the middle of a beautiful landscape. A tree caught my eye and my feet wandered alone to the trunk and I automatically sat there.

It was so quiet and peaceful, the kind of silence that makes you enter a small bubble of your own thoughts and emotions. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to merge with nature. Taking deep breaths, I relaxed my muscles and for a brief moment, I felt free.

I felt at peace and like nothing else mattered in the world.

The sound of birds chirping in the distance and the sweet aroma of the flowers were bliss to my tired mind.

At that moment, life seemed to stop. No more worries, no more hatred, no more negativity. Just pure freedom.

How I craved this freedom!

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