Epilogue - Greetings To An Old Conclusion

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Epilogue - Greetings To An Old Conclusion


A few hours later...

Ryuto ran with the laptop in his hands and his backpack messily swung over his shoulder while he desperately attempted not to trip over his own feet.

All the hacker could do now was run. He had already cut it close by leaving just when the first out of the five survivors woke and it would be any minute now that they'd wander around in search of an exit.

Ryuto may have been all-powerful and god-like in the virtual world, but when it came to real life - he now had nothing after risking it all: no one to manipulate like Kuro or force to help out. True, he still had the files and resources to continue the killing games, but without funding or participants, they were worthless.

He could try and capture more people, but alone? There was no way. That'd practically be impossible.

As for money, Ryuto had been relying on the funding provided by Kei and his family. But after everything the killing game had done to Kei, he'd never drop another penny.

So now he was stuck. Either he'd get caught by Kei and his group right now and face consequences, or he'd manage to escape the building and then do what? That, he had no idea.

Ryuto suddenly stopped in his tracks by the sounds of footsteps and muttering and quickly pressed himself against the wall in a last-minute attempt to hide himself while watching what happened.

Out of the classroom they were locked in came the five survivors with Kuro, Reina and Mizuki leading the group while Toshiro followed behind, carrying a still unconscious Kei on his back.

They were seemingly torn about which way down the hallway to go. This choice left Ryuto on the edge of his seat - if they chose to go the same way as him, it would be a matter of time until they'd find him.

Ryuto found it hard to hide the utter sadistic joy on his face however as he watched them make their decision and go the opposite way.

So close to the truth and the perpetrator, yet one wrong turn cost them everything.

"Idiots..." Ryuto grinned, his fear of being caught from just moments prior melting away and transforming into a cocky sense of superiority from the concept of getting away with everything. Such an idea left him clutching desperately at his mouth to contain his laughter at the unfortunate scene.

But he couldn't waste any more time. He'd have to shut down the security system keeping the school in lockdown and leave as quickly as possible.

Ryuto rushed down the stairs to reach the ground floor, aiming to leave through one of the side doors - the main entrance would be crowded with people and the back entrance would've been equally watched, so this was his best bet.

Carefully, he crouched in an attempt to stay hidden as Ryuto opened his laptop, typing as fast as he could.

"Come on, come on..." he mumbled under his breath, desperately manoeuvring his fingers.

When Ryuto then heard the satisfying sound of his laptop ring, he smirked yet again. The shutters that surrounded the school all finally began to rise as the blinding sunset from outside shined into every hallway.

Once again, he couldn't just stand still and admire the scenery. Ryuto had to rush and figure out what he could do now - doubt couldn't help but bubble up in his mind

But all his doubts vanished as Ryuto's answer stood right before him when he opened the door.

Outside was a girl, leaning against the side gate checking her nails. Her blonde curls rested upon her shoulders, black ribbons tied into the sides of it. The outfit she wore was the definition of classy, completely contrasting Ryuto's scruffy and unkempt appearance.

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