Chapter 3 - Class Trial 2 + Scrum Debate

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As the talking and Ryoko's slight giggling died down, I thought about what to do.

"As of right now...we need to think of a timeline." I began. "Ignore any suspicion or accusations you may have or be thinking of and just go through the events and their order."

"Good idea." Satoshi nodded. "An idea of when this whole ordeal started will be useful. That way we can pinpoint what happened, where and when."

"Exactly." I grinned. "We just need to determine what happened."

"And how do you suggest on composing this timeline of yours, Chiyo?" Ryoko asked, intrigued.

"By figuring out the first thing that occurred, duh," I answered her, rolling my eyes.

Non-Stop Debate
Truth Bullet: Spiders

Kokoro: Well, first of all...

Kokoro: The killer had to set up their trap!

Kenjiro: That must be correct...Preparing the light and stage would take some time.

Shouko: They also murdered Finn at that time too!

Shouko: Not to even mention his crime scene...

Satoshi: And then a distraction occurred.

Satoshi: Something that led most of us to the theatre for part two of this crime to take places

"I agree with that!"

"Satoshi hit it right on the head again." I nodded along to what he had been saying. "All of us that were outside with me before the body discovery announcement know what I mean."

"You mean...the spiders?" Shouko tilted her head in confusion.

"Spiders? Huh?!?" Kokoro gasped, not having a clue of what we were going on about. "I think I missed a couple of chapters...since when were Finn's pets involved?"

"Since the beginning," I explained. "The killer used Finn's little bugs to wake me up in my room. They probably knew about my fear, so exploited it to get the others to arrive too!"

Ryoko then spoke up. "Ah, I see...By Chiyo screaming and creating a group for her to investigate with, it means more people can go to the theatre where the murders actually took place! With that, a person would eventually end up on the stage to be killed."

"I-I get it now!" Yuna realised. "So the spiders were just bait then?"

"Exactly. Bait for me to drag myself and almost everyone to a damn crime scene." I clenched my fists.

"Still pretty gross bait though." Kairi shivered in her place. "Being attacked in your own room by three spiders is not fun at all."

"At least you get it," I mumbled to myself.

"S-So...the spider tank was dropped anyway into Chiyo's lab." Shouko gave a brief summary. "Giving the group time to go to the theatre searching for Finn..."

"Exciting, isn't it?" Ryoko wistfully sighed, glancing off into the distance while fiddling with a curl of her ash blonde hair that hung down her shoulder. "What a shame he was already long gone at this point. Maybe if he was discovered first I would care more...But how interesting."

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