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Murtasim's vision of the perfect family had finally materialized, as a transformative shift in his father's demeanor brought about a welcoming change. Shahnawaz had chosen to officially step back from his once incessant criticism of Murtasim, replacing it with genuine appreciation now. The air between father and son had undergone a profound transformation, shedding its earlier hesitancy and paving the way for more open communication.

Gone were the days of a somber and formal atmosphere enveloping the dinner table at the Khan Haveli. Instead, a joyful and cheerful aura now graced the family gatherings, with all members actively engaging and eagerly sharing the highlights of their day over the dinner table. The heavy clouds of tension that had lingered in their interactions had dissipated, making room for warmth and understanding.

Shahnawaz Khan's newfound encouragement had not only boosted Murtasim's confidence but also fostered a deeper connection between them. The walls that had once stood tall between father and son had crumbled, allowing a genuine and heartfelt bond to take root. The family, once defined by strained relations, now reveled in the joy of each other's company. And all of this made Murtasim feel absolutely euphoric.

"What is making you smiling so widely?" Meerab inquired, her eyes reflecting the genuine curiosity as they laid comfortable wrapped in the warmth of the bed.

Murtasim's eyes lingered on Meerab, the room filled with the soft glow of the bedside lamp, as he began to unravel the source of his joy. "It's just incredible, Meerab. The way things have changed with Baba. The heaviness that used to weigh down our days, the tension around the house—it's all evaporated now. Baba has become so appreciative, so supportive. It feels like we're standing at the threshold of a whole new beginning."

Meerab's eyes sparkled with genuine interest, and her love for Murtasim radiated as she listened intently. With a light smile, she tenderly caressed his cheek, her voice softening the air around them. "I'm happy that you're happy. It feels like ages since I saw you smile like that."

Leaning into the warmth of her touch, Murtasim replied, "It's just that I feel—overwhelmed. This is everything I ever wanted for my family, ever since I was young."

Meerab's finger traced a gentle path along Murtasim's cheek, her affectionate gaze never leaving his. "I'm so proud of you, Murtasim. You've played a significant role in bringing about this change. Your patience, your kindness—it all paid off."

Their fingers intertwined, creating a tangible link between them. Murtasim, savoring the touch, continued, "And having you by my side has made all the difference, Meerab. Your support has been my anchor through it all."

In that heartwarming moment, the unspoken sentiments between them blossomed into something more profound. Without the need for further words, Murtasim closed the distance between them, and their lips met in a soft, lingering kiss—a tender affirmation of the bond they had forged through trials and triumphs.

Parting away, their gaze met, as a shared warmth lingered in their eyes. As the gravity of the moment settled in, a comfortable silence embraced them. Soon, Meerab playfully broke it with a teasing tone, "You know, Murtasim, this beard of yours really annoys me sometimes. The roughness of it scratches."

Murtasim chuckled, "Should I shave it all off, then?"

Meerab shake her head quickly as she said, "That would look weird, wouldn't it?"

Murtasim, feigning seriousness, replied, "I've considered it, you know."

Curiosity sparkled in Meerab's eyes as she asked, "Why on earth would you ever think of it?"

Murtasim took a moment before confessing, "Well, you remember when we were newly married, and you ended up calling me your 'friend'?" Meerab smiled as she caught Murtasim's eye roll at the word 'friend' as he continued, "It kinda broke my heart. I started brainstorming ways to woo you, and since I noticed that you loved those K-dramas, I thought maybe you liked guys without facial hair, so I considered shaving it off. But, truth be told, I was too scared to actually do it."

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