Chapter 31

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Murtasim had always hated the idea of birthdays. He had viewed them as a burdensome tradition rather than a cause for celebration. To him, they seemed like nothing more than a tiresome obligation meant to maintain the family's image. His birthdays had been an extravagant social gatherings with unfamiliar faces, primarily his father's business associates' spoiled kids. These were not his friends, and he had no desire to share his special day with them. Yet, as always, his father's wishes took precedence, and he was felt with no other option that to conform to them.

Things took a positive turn when Murtasim turned 13, as his father decided to forgo with the lavish parties, much to Murtasim's delight. Instead, he settled for a modest birthday celebration around the family dining table, accompanied only by his parents and Mariam only. It was a welcome change, and Murtasim found solace in this newfound simplicity.

However, the course of his birthdays dramatically shifted after his 17th year. What should have been a day of joy now filled him with dread. Murtasim had always known his father was strict, but he had underestimated the depths of his father's rigidity until he revealed his dream of becoming a painter. Murtasim vividly remembered blowing out the candle, making a heartfelt wish for his father's support, only to watch the situation spiral into a heated conflict.

The argument that led to the unthinkable: his father has burnt away all of his cherished paintings, reducing his dreams to ashes before his very eyes. It was a soul-crushing experience, one that left him questioning the purpose of celebrating a day that had robbed him of his aspirations. The disappointment ran even deeper as he recognized that the entire concept of birthday wishes was nothing more than a cruel hoax. None of his wishes had ever been granted, and each year brought more nothing more than disappointment. So what was the purpose of it all then?

Thus, what should have been the happiest day of the year for Murtasim had become the most somber and melancholic. The heartbreak of shattered dreams had left an indelible mark on him, to the extent that he could scarcely recall the date of his birthday anymore. And after that day, he had strictly asked his mother and sister to not bring up any more mentions of it, ever again. So, as he woke up today and prepared for work, he remained oblivious to the significance of the date, a day that had lost all meaning in his life.


Meerab stumbled upon the knowledge of Murtasim's upcoming birthday during a conversation with Mariam. It was just like any other afternoon when both the girls were lounging in the living room as a question creeped up in Meerab's mind, that prompted her to inquire Mariam about it.

"Hey Mariam, when is Murtasim's birthday?" Meerab's curiosity was evident in her tone.

"It's actually just a week from now," Mariam replied hesitantly.

"A WEEK? Why didn't you tell me sooner? Shouldn't we plan a birthday party for him?" Meerab's enthusiasm was palpable. She couldn't understand why no one was excited and making plans for Murtasim's special day.

"Well, actually, Bhai doesn't really like celebrating his birthdays," Mariam explained timidly.

"Oh, but why not? Birthdays are meant to be special," Meerab questioned. How could anyone want to skip celebrating their birthday when it was supposed to be a special day for everyone? She wondered. Her own birthdays had always been a source of joy and warmth, surrounded by loved ones who made her feel cherished.

Mariam hesitated before responding, "Well, we used to celebrate them, but after his 17th birthday, he asked us to stop."

"Why though? I'm sorry, I'm a bit confused," Meerab admitted.

"That's the day Baba Sahab and Bhai had a huge argument because Bhai expressed his desire to become a painter, and then..." Mariam trailed off, leaving the unsaid hanging heavily in the air.

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