Chapter 7

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As the partition between them dropped, setting aside all thoughts, Murtasim's gaze couldn't help but drawn to Meerab's captivating beauty. Her crimson dress seemed to have been tailored to compliment her, an exquisite dance of color that captivated the beholder. The intricate golden embroidery on the fabric caught the light, bestowing upon her an almost ethereal glow.

Although Murtasim preferred her hair cascading freely, he couldn't help but appreciate the elegance of her loosely knotted bun. Yet, amidst all this resplendent beauty, a subtle void hung in the air. Her once-radiant eyes, now veiled by a shadow of sorrow, conveying a silent narrative of their own. The sight of her dimmed radiance tugged at Murtasim's heart, an ache of empathy that he couldn't ignore.

In that moment, Murtasim made a promise to himself. He was determined to do whatever it took to overcome any hurdles and bring back the joy that once lit up her eyes.


After wedding ceremony had concluded smoothly, the weight of Murtasim's nervousness seemed to multiply tenfold now that they were back home. It was just him and Meerab – facing a new chapter together. His mother had handed him with the family ring, instructing him to give it to Meerab and explain its significance. However, Murtasim didn't want to burden Meerab any further; he decided to put aside the history tied to the ring for the moment. His priority was ensuring Meerab's comfort for now.

As he entered the room, he consciously worked to calm the tumultuous waves of his nerves. His gaze fell upon Meerab, seated delicately on his bed, emitting an air of fear and uncertainty. Murtasim's heart ached at the sight; he couldn't bear seeing her in such a state. Stepping forward, he carefully approached her, his mind struggling to form the right words. With his heart racing, he took a deep breath, clearing his throat.

In a voice that carried both sincerity and gentleness, he began, "Meerab, I understand this is a lot to take in. We've just met once before and now we're married. Everything feels a bit awkward, but we can work on finding our way. We'll take things slow because I know that it's all new for you as well as its for me."

The burden on his heart lightened a touch after finally opening up to her. He awaited her response, but silence greeted him instead. Confusion flickered across his expression. He called out to her again, yet received no reaction. Reluctantly, he extended a hand to her shoulder, an attempt to regain her attention, only to witness her jerking away from his touch. Respectfully retreating a step, he assured, "Relax, Meerab. I just wanted to talk; nothing more."

Meerab's anxious gaze settled on him as she tried to compose herself. Her words stumbled out, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come across as rude. I'm just really tired."

Noticing her still clad in the weighty dress, he responded quickly, "Oh, yes, I apologize. You should go and change. This must all be quite exhausting for you."

As Meerab headed towards her suitcase to gather her belongings, Murtasim inwardly scolded himself, "Wow! Way to go! You've made her uncomfortable already." He sighed, discarding his heavy sherwani to ease his own comfort. With his head in his hands, he sat on the bed, grappling with his own thoughts.


After entering the bathroom, Meerab's façade crumbled, and she finally let out the tears she had held back for so long. Painful memories of her life flooded her mind, and fear gripped her tightly. She was scared of this marriage and the type of man Murtasim might turn out to be. Lost in these thoughts, she didn't notice him entering the room.

With her mind racing through the worst scenarios, his touch startled her, and fear made her pull away. But when she met his gaze, concern softened his features. He apologized saying that he just wanted to talk. This instantly made Meerab regret her reaction. Apologizing, she realized that all she wanted was to find solace in sleep. Murtasim, showing his respect for her wishes, agreed to her unspoken request.

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