Chapter 25

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Murtasim cherished every moment he had with Meerab. Each day, his heart overflowed with the love he held for her. In the past, he had often questioned the purpose of his existence, wondering if his life was merely a punishment for sins he didn't even commit. However, with Meerab's presence, his world transformed from darkness to radiant light. She cared for him, making him believe that life was worth living. Her appreciation, something he had yearned for, filled his heart with warmth and gratitude. Murtasim struggled to find words to express the depth of his feelings for her. It was more than mere attraction or love; it was an indescribable connection that bound them together.

Lately, his mind had been preoccupied with Meerab's dreams, especially after the conversation with Rohail. He couldn't help but think about her career aspirations and how much she must long for them. One night, as they lay in bed, Murtasim couldn't contain his curiosity any longer.

"Meerab, have you always dreamed of becoming a lawyer?" he asked, his gaze fixed on her.

"Yes," she replied, turning to face him. "My father was my inspiration. I grew up watching baba deal with clients, and it always fascinated me. I wanted to follow in his footsteps and become a lawyer like him. Why do you ask?"

Murtasim sighed, his concern evident. "We've never really talked about it. When your friend mentioned that you're the top student in your class and deeply committed to it, I couldn't help but wonder."

Meerab's smile faded, replaced by a hint of sadness. "Yes, I was, but things have changed now."

" I'm sorry about what my father's rash decision. If he hadn't forced uncle Waqas, you would have been able to fulfill your dream.," Murtasim said gently, his fingers tracing her cheek.

"You don't need to apologize, Murtasim. It wasn't your fault. It's what fate had decided," Meera reassured him.

"But still, I can't help but feel regretful about it," Murtasim admitted.

"It's sad, but look on the brighter side. I have you in my life, and I'm very grateful for that," Meerab said, attempting to reassure him. However, the lingering sadness in her eyes tugged at Murtasim's heartstrings.

Unable to bear seeing her upset, Murtasim gently pulled her into a warm embrace, wrapping his arms around her with tender affection. He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, his lips conveying a promise of unwavering support.

Meerab's eyes welled with emotion, but she stayed silent. As they let silence engulf them, Murtasim felt determined to support her in achieving her dreams. He would go to great lengths for her, even if it meant taking a stand against his own father.


Murtasim had summoned every ounce of courage within him to approach his father, the formidable figure who loomed over his life like a shadow. He knew that discussing Meerab's dreams with his father was a challenging task. A part of him resented the idea of seeking permission for something that should have been solely between him and his wife. However, Murtasim was well aware of his father's domineering and egotistical nature, and he didn't wanted to give Meerab false hopes beforehand. He couldn't afford to dismiss the impact his father could have on their lives that hurt could end up Meerab in any way.

At the age of 26, Murtasim felt a lingering sense of dependence on his father's approval, a weight he longed to shed. Yet, the thought of abandoning his mother and sister, who were still entangled in his father's tumultuous world, held him back. He vividly remembered the day he decided leaving home, driven to escape his father's oppressive grip after he had ruthlessly turned all his cherished painting into ashes. The desire for a fresh start was potent, but the sight of his mother's tearful pleas and the idea of his sister being left alone to endure their father's harsh upbringing halted his escape.

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