Chapter 15

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Meerab woke up to a persistent ache in her head. Her eyelids drooped heavily, laden with the weight of last night's memories that rushed back, sending a shiver down her spine. Struggling to make sense of her surroundings, she shifted and sensed an unexpected heaviness in her hand. With a gentle turn, she discovered Murtasim seated beside her on the floor, peacefully asleep. His head rested against the bed, his fingers entwined with hers.

A rush of emotions flooded her – gratitude, warmth, and a touch of remorse. The events of the previous night replayed vividly in her mind: Murtasim's unwavering determination to rescue her, his comforting embrace that had cocooned her in safety. She mentally scolded herself for even considering the idea that he might not come. Murtasim was nothing like that; his care was steadfast and true. The events of the past month and a half played before her, reminding her of his patience, understanding, and unwavering care. How could she have doubted him for a second?

Turning her gaze towards him, she noticed that his body was positioned in a way that would inevitably lead to aches and strains, yet he had chosen her comfort over his own. The pangs of guilt crept in, tightening around her heart. He had always put her first, always tried to ensure her ease. And she, in her moment of weakness and insecurities, had allowed doubt to cloud her judgment. How had she placed more trust in Haya's words than in her own husband's actions? In that moment, Meerab was resolute to mend the unintended gap that had formed between them.

Meerab's hesitant gaze lingered on Murtasim, her fingers gently working to release his firm grip on her hand. His tranquil slumber highlighting his strong yet soft features. As their connection loosened, Murtasim's brows furrowed momentarily, his fingers seeking the warmth that had slipped away as he slowly opened his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up," Meerab whispered, her voice barely audible in the morning hush.

"Meerab, are you okay? Do you need anything?" Murtasim's concern burst forth, his voice tinged with panic.

"Murtasim, I'm fine. Don't worry. Just a headache, that's all. I was thinking of getting some painkillers," Meerab reassured him.

"No, you rest up. I'll go get them," Murtasim's words were laced with concern. As he got up, his movements revealed a stiffness, a silent testament to the discomfort he was willing to endure for her. Meerab couldn't help but feel a pang of remorse; his pain in pain because of her. However, gratitude swelled within her heart alongside – she was blessed to have him by her side.

He returned, painkillers and water in hand. As he extended them to her, his gaze softened, his eyes revealing a turmoil of emotions. Guilt gnawed at him, knowing that her suffering was an unintended result of the long-standing enmity his family held against the Maliks.

"I'm sorry, Meerab," Murtasim's voice was laden with a heavy burden.

Meerab's brow furrowed, puzzled by his apology. "What for?" she inquired, her voice gentle.

"For everything. For the pain you've endured because of me. For leaving you alone when you needed me. For the hurtful words I let escape," Murtasim's admission hung in the air, his head bowed in regret as he added:

"Please, trust me. I didn't mean any of that. I understand now how much harder this has been for you. Leaving behind your parents, your home, your city – I should have comprehended your struggles better. I'm so sorry for not doing so," his words carried the weight of his guilt, honest and raw.

Meerab's heart swelled, her own guilt escalating. Murtasim was apologizing for a burden that wasn't his to bear. He had persistently sought understanding, reaching out even when she had shut him out – and here he was, taking responsibility when she was the one at fault. Tears welled up, her voice quivering with emotion. "No, Murtasim, it's me who should be sorry. I acted foolishly, shutting you out when you were nothing but kind and understanding. You asked, and I should have opened up. But I let Haya's words cloud my judgment."

"Haya's words? What did she say?" Murtasim's guilt now mingled with a trace of anger, as he questioned.

"She, umm, she said that you weren't happy with this marriage and that you were forced into it by your father. That I was just a liability to you and that your true feelings lay with her," Meerab's voice trembled as she revealed the poison that Haya had seeped into her thoughts. The words hung in the air, heavy with uncertainty and hurt.

Murtasim's brows knitted together as he tried hard to not roll his eyes. His expression, a mixture of disbelief and indignation. "She said that?" His tone held a touch of incredulity, a fierce protectiveness kindling in his eyes.

Meerab's hesitant nod was met with Murtasim's reassuring touch as he began to speak with a mix of softness and sincerity. "She's lying, Meerab. Haya has always been like this. I should have realized that she would try to sow seeds of doubt between us when she came at our walima. Her strange, unhinged obsession with me disgusts me. I've never ever looked at her in that way, i promise" his words carried a blend of frustration and conviction.

He continued, his gaze never wavering from hers. "Our marriage might have been sudden, and I might not have had much say in it, but you have never been a burden. Trust me, you're far from that." His eyes held a truth that resonated deep within her.

Damn that Haya, Meerab thought, her anger towards her growing. She met Murtasim's gaze, finding solace in his words. "It was awkward at first, I admit. But as time went on, I started enjoying your company. I feel comfortable around you, like I can truly be myself – something I hadn't felt in years. Despite our differences, I've come to realize we're quite alike. And when I said I want to make our marriage work, I meant every word," Murtasim concluded.

A light smile played on Meerab's lips as she responded, "I feel the same way. Initially, I didn't have much of a choice either, but I've come to enjoy our time together." She looked at him with sincerity, her gaze softening. "And I should have never trusted Haya from the start. She did emit negative vibes, and I shouldn't have brushed them off. I'm sorry for doubting you."

Murtasim chuckled, lightening the mood. "I know, right? She gives off major villain vibes, but she's just not clever enough to worry me too much." He attempted to steer their conversation to a more lighthearted direction, and Meerab's laughter filled the room. Murtasim realized with a pang how much he had missed that sound – her laughter, so infectious and melodious.

As their laughter subsided, a comfortable silence settled between them. They gazed at each other, finding solace in the shared quietude.

Breaking the silence, Meerab felt her stomach growled as she realized that hunger could no longer be ignored. "It's almost 3 pm. We should grab something to eat. I'm starving," she said with a grin.

Murtasim agreed, "Absolutely. Come on, I'll make something for you."

Meerab looked surprised. "You? Where's Mai?"

"I asked Bakhtu to send everyone home. Last night was so stressful, and I thought they deserved some rest," Murtasim explained.

Meerab's curiosity peaked. "But can you even cook?"

Murtasim grinned. "Meerab, you might not know, but I lived abroad for almost 4 years. Cooking became a survival skill."

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