Chapter 38

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Murtasim's heart echoed with profound disappointment and hurt, emotions that transcended mere understatement. The weight of betrayal hung heavily in the air as he navigated the roads of Hyderabad. Meerab, his beloved Meerab, the one he held dearest to his heart, had doubted his intentions, questioning his resistance to the union between his sister and Zain. Murtasim had hoped, perhaps naively, that Meerab, of all people, would understand him. Yet, her skepticism became a bitter revelation, rising the agony within him.

Gripping the steering wheel with an intensity mirroring the turmoil in his soul, Murtasim drove aimlessly for what felt like an eternity. Hours passed in a haze of hurt, disappointment, anger, and frustration, as the city lights blurred into a cluster of emotions. As fate would have it, he stumbled upon a lakeside haven, an oasis of calm amidst the chaos of his feelings. It was here, in this serene retreat, that he decided to halt his restless journey.

Enduring the winter chill, Murtasim stepped out of the car, his steps leading him to a vantage point by the water's edge. Clutching the cold, unyielding surface of a giant rock, he sought solace in the tranquil ambiance. The rhythmic flow of the water seemed to provide a soothing counterpoint to the tempest raging within him. With each passing moment, the chilly breeze acted as a balm, gradually easing the turbulence in his clouded mind.

Seated by the lake, Murtasim struggled to untangle the intricate web of emotions that engulfed him. The subtle symphony of nature, the lapping of the water against the shore, and the distant rustle of leaves gently worked to ease the knots of confusion and pain. It became a moment of self-analysis, a crucial interlude before facing the storm that awaited him at home.

As the night wore on, he let time elapse, choosing to delay his return until Meerab had retired to the sanctuary of sleep. The moon cast a soft glow upon the rippling water, and Murtasim, still perched on the rock, steeled himself for challenges that awaited him. Tonight, he sought refuge in the solitude of the lakeside, gathering his thoughts and summoning the strength to navigate the troubled waters of his problems.


Meerab was engulfed in a profound sense of remorse, her own words echoing loudly within. She felt an overwhelming urge to physically scold herself for her stupidity. How could she have been so blind, so foolish as to dismiss Murtasim's repeated warnings about Zain's deceptive facade? The realization cut deep, and she grappled with the weight of her own gullibility. Murtasim's cautionary talks about Zain's deceitful nature had fallen on deaf ears, drowned out by the illusion of Zain's "nice-caring-guy" persona she had observed.

As the gravity of her misjudgment sank in, Meerab questioned her own rationality. Perhaps Zain wasn't as genuine as he appeared, and she had allowed herself to be ensnared by his charm. The thought that Zain could be manipulating her as well lingered in her mind, and she grappled with the realization that she didn't know him as intimately as Murtasim did. After all, a meeting of one day isn't really reliable enough to understand the complex layers of a person's personality.

Meerab hadn't anticipated that a simple conversation would spiral into such an argument. Her initial intention had been to convey his father's message and to reassure Murtasim that Mariam was content with the union. However, her impulsive words had taken on a life of their own, getting out of control and causing unintended harm. Murtasim, ever sensitive and selfless, bore the brunt of her outburst.

Reflecting on Murtasim's unwavering support through thick and thin, Meerab found herself drowning in guilt. She recognized his selflessness, how he had always put others before himself, fulfilling responsibilities thrust upon him by his father and never once complaining about anything. But now, when he needed her support, she had let him down.

The clock taunted her with its unforgiving hands, ticking away to 3 am, and there was still no sign of Murtasim. Anxiety clawed at her, overshadowing the initial anger that had fueled their disagreement. As she anxiously awaited his return, a slight creak of the bedroom door signaled his entrance.

Murtasim's emotionally drained form spoke volumes as he entered the room. His shoulders slumped, eyes tired, and lines of worry etched across his forehead. Meerab's concern for him grew, but hesitancy held her back. She observed him retrieving a pillow and moving towards the sofa, a stark symbol of the emotional split that now lay between them. The palpable distance broke Meerab's heart, and a sense of regret settled in. The unspoken tension hung heavy in the air, leaving both of them yearning for resolution and healing.


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