Chapter 34

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If Murtasim had to choose one of his most reliable skill, it would undoubtedly be his sixth sense. It had always been right and today seem no different. The moment Murtasim had met Zain, an uncomfortable feeling stirred in his stomach, like an internal warning. His instincts hinted an unknown forthcoming change, that he really couldn't pinpoint exactly but it something just didn't 'feel' right.

These feeling had been confirmed when his father informed him of the arrival of the Hashwani family at their home for dinner, leaving no doubt that this meeting was far from just a mere coincidence. The constant reminder from his father of everything to be perfect and extravagant for the dinner made Murtasim wonder about the real intention of this 'casual' dinner.

It wasn't like the Khans and Hashwanis weren't close friends, they used to meet up quite often when Murtasim and Zain were younger but as time passed, the frequent visits had been reserved for special occasions only, especially after Amir Hashwani had joined politics. Which is why, this sudden dinner was perplexing, leaving Murtasim with lingering questions and a feeling of unease. There was a sense of curiosity in the air, an unspoken tension, and Murtasim couldn't help but wonder what lay beneath the surface of this unusual gathering.

"Murtasim, what should I wear?" Meerab asked, holding two suits in her hand, her confusion evident. She considered asking her husband for a recommendation, but he seemed lost, zoned out on the sofa. "Murtasim!" Meerab called out again, receiving no response. Rolling her eyes, she approached him and gave him a gentle shake, jolting him back to reality.

"Murtasim, I've been calling out for you for so long. What's wrong? Why are you so lost?" she inquired.

"Nothing, I just... I'm confused about why Zain and his family are invited over so suddenly," he confessed.

"I mean, they're your family friends, so it doesn't require a special occasion, right?" Meerab said nonchalantly.

"No, Meerab, you don't understand. We haven't had these casual dinners in so long. It's so weird to have them all of a sudden."

"Murtasim," Meerab sighed, "is this about Zain again? Why do you act so weirdly around him? I get the childhood rivalry, but you're both adults now. It's time to move on from that," she advised, attempting to reassure him.

"I know. Ugh, I don't know what's wrong with me! I guess I'm just overthinking. Anyway, why aren't you dressed yet?" Murtasim deflected, trying to calm his racing mind.

"That's what I was asking you. What should I wear? I'm confused," Meerab reiterated.

"Meerab, I think you should know that I can't help you with this. You look absolutely gorgeous in everything you wear, my love, so I won't be able to decide," Murtasim chuckled. Meerab couldn't help but smile at his response.

"Alright, I guess I'll figure it out myself," Meerab replied, still holding the two suits and pretending to contemplate her options dramatically.

Murtasim watched her with amusement, grateful for her ability to break through his overthinking and anxiety. He realized that perhaps he was dwelling on the past a bit too much. They're both had grown up now and he should move on from their petty fights. It won't be too bad to spend time together right? 


It was absolutely insufferable. The arrival of the Hashwani family was a spectacle in itself, bringing with them an array of gifts that left Murtasim feeling increasingly suspicious. "This isn't normal at all," he thought to himself, trying to maintain a polite demeanor as he greeted the guests. The eerie smirk on Zain's face as they exchanged hugs only added to Murtasim's unease.

Murtasim found himself in unfamiliar territory, experiencing a sudden closeness with Zain that had never been a part of their relationship before. This abrupt shift in behavior left Murtasim feeling perplexed and off-balance.

Adding to the strangeness of the situation was Mariam's conspicuous absence from the dinner. Murtasim knew that his father had explicitly instructed everyone to be present, and her nonappearance only deepened the mystery.

"Ya Khudaya, why am I overthinking everything?" Murtasim silently screamed in frustration as he made his way to the living room. The evening was becoming more enigmatic by the minute, and Murtasim couldn't shake the feeling that something significant was happening behind his back.


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