Chapter 5

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Murtasim Khan realized that he hadn't felt this kind of peace in a very long time while being seated on the restaurant's rooftop. The sun gracefully dipped behind the grand mosque, casting a serene scene that resonated with him. This sense of solace, that rarely visited his heart, spread through his being, offering a respite he sorely needed.

This feeling of belonging, contentment, and tranquility was a stark contrast to the suffocation he often felt due to the the discussions and decision makings at the archaic panchayat. The men, present at the panchayat, held onto traditional and misogynistic values with outdated beliefs, it was as if they remained stuck in the 18th century. His father was no different from these men, adhering to the same orthodoxic ideologies in the name of keeping 'tradition' alive. But Murtasim knew that all better than this. He heart was not willing to abide to these norms but sometimes life has its cruel ways as it doesn't let you have a choice. The weight of societal and family expectations and duties crushed him, yet, he was expected to remain voiceless about it.

However, today felt like a divergence from the norm. This day felt like a breath of fresh air amid his tumultuous life, much to his surprise. Exploring Lahore's heritage brought back memories of his university days, a time when he experienced a sense of liberation and contentment. The history and art of the places they visited fascinated him, and he was grateful for Meerab's exceptional guidance. Exhausted as they returned home, a gentle smile rested on his lips, a witness to the peaceful and joyous day he had experienced after a very long time.

However, this happiness was merely fleeting. His father's abrupt announcement of his marriage to Meerab triggered anger within Murtasim. Was his father truly expecting him to marry a woman he just met? Could a lifetime be built upon such a brief acquaintanceship? A sudden realization struck him. No wonder his father stressed upon getting to know Meerab– this all had been planned beforehand.

Meerab's eyes mirrored her disbelief as she confronted his father, asking if this was some sort of joke. Murtasim knew too well that his father wasn't one to crack such jokes. Even when uncle Waqas tried to explain away Meerab's reaction as shyness and exhaustion Murtasim sensed the depth of her hurt and disbelief. As she excused herself, he observed that her distress was clearly evident.

Murtasim recognized the turmoil on Meerab's face – a sentiment he shared as well. She obviously did not want this marriage, much like himself. As he tried to clear his throat and voice his concern, he was met with his father's sharp gaze. The "don't you dare create a scene here" look was enough to suppress all his disagreements.

Suppressing his inner turmoil, Murtasim gathered his resolve. "Apologies, but I have to go somewhere. An urgent matter requires my immediate attention," he announced, requesting leave and promising his return before their planned departure to Hyderabad tomorrow morning . As he left the stifling room, he breathed a sigh. 'It's going to be a long night,' he thought as he decided to go out for a drive.


He drove around for hours, trying to sort through his thoughts, not knowing what his destination was. It wasn't until a sharp striking sound of thunder jerked him back to reality and he finally pulled over to take a breather. Of course, his father was behind this whole arranged marriage thing. Murtasim's own happiness and wishes rarely mattered, it has always been like that. His mind was bursting with millions of thought but a creeping realization of how inevitable the situation was drawn over him. His father had already given his word, there was no way out now. Despite that, Murtasim was determined. He knew he had to talk to his father about it, for Meerab's sake as well as his own. He couldn't let Meerab suffer because of his father's decisions. She wasn't a pawn in a game. So, he decided to have that conversation, no matter what.

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