Chapter 26

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Meerab couldn't shake the feeling that something had been troubling Murtasim for the past few days. His usually warm and reassuring presence had been clouded by an air of sadness and regret that she couldn't ignore. It had all started when he had asked her about her dream of becoming a lawyer, a simple question that had led to a noticeable change in him. The way he had looked at her with sorrowful eyes, as if carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, tugged at her heartstrings. She couldn't stand to see him suffer silently, especially when none of it was his fault.

Meerab had made a mental note to reassure him, to let him know that she cherished her role as a Khanum just as much as she would have cherished being a lawyer. Her work, empowering and helping women in their community, gave her a sense of fulfillment that often rivaled her childhood dream. She was content, and she wanted Murtasim to understand that.

As she waited for him in the dimly lit lounge, her concern grew with each passing minute. Murtasim was usually punctual, and the lateness of his arrival worried her. Her anxiety got the best of her, and she decided to go to their room to message him about his whereabouts.

She pushed open the door to their room, the air that greeted her sent a jolt of uneasiness through her veins. The room was shrouded in darkness, and she heard strange, ragged breathing. Panic surged within her as she rushed further inside.

There, on the floor, she found Murtasim, his body trembling and his breaths erratic. He was struggling to breathe, as if caught in the grip of an invisible vice. The realization hit her like a thunderbolt—Murtasim was having a panic attack.

Fear and concern overwhelmed her as she knelt beside him, her hands trembling as she reached out to touch his shoulder. "Murtasim," she whispered, her voice filled with worry, "Can you hear me, Murtasim? It's me, Meerab."

Murtasim's struggle to breathe continued, his gasps for air punctuated by sobs that wracked his body. His face was contorted with fear and anguish, and he kept muttering apologies between ragged breaths.

"I'm sorry, Meerab," he choked out, his voice barely audible amidst the turmoil within him. Tears streamed down his cheeks, wetting the floor beneath him. "I'm so sorry... I'm sorry... sorry"

Meerab was confused by Murtasim's constant apologies and how did he end up having a panic attack but all of these questions weren't important right now. She had to calm him down first. As she held his face in her hands, she spoke calmly "Murtasim, look at me. Take deep breathes in and out with me okay?"

She guided him through the breathing exercise, her own breaths synchronized with his, creating a rhythm that gradually helped him regain control over his erratic breaths. It was a slow process, but as each moment passed, the vice grip of panic loosened its hold on him.

The minutes ticked by, as Murtasim's breathing got somewhat steadier. His sobs began to subside, leaving behind a sense of vulnerability that both of them had to confront.

As Murtasim began to regain his composure, Meerab got up to fetch a glass of water. Her heart ached as she looked at his condition, knowing that he had been silently battling these demons for far too long. Her determination to be his source of strength only grew stronger by looking at him.

Returning with the water, she helped Murtasim sit up and sip slowly. It was a small gesture, but it carried the weight of her care and support. She wanted him to know that he wasn't alone in this, that she was here to help him.
Once he had sipped enough water, Meerab helped him settle back into bed. She knew that relaxation was crucial after a panic attack, and she was determined to create a safe and comforting environment for him.

Lying by his side, she felt the warmth of his arms wrapping around her, a silent plea for comfort and reassurance. She ran her fingers through his hair with a gentle touch, her actions a soothing rhythm meant to calm the turmoil in his mind.

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