Chapter 19

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Meerab had been keenly observing Murtasim's behavior for over a week now. He had become needlessly sulky, often lost in his own world. Her attempts to inquire about his well-being were met with short responses and noncommittal hmms. She considered that work might be weighing heavily on him, yet he had refrained from discussing any thing like that. The fleeting thought of Uncle Shahnawaz scolding him again crossed her mind, but Murtasim had never exhibited such behavior before, leaving Meerab perplexed. Even Mariam had taken notice of his uncharacteristic shift.

One evening, as the sun dipped low, Murtasim returned home after a long day. Previously, he would greet them with a wide grin and engage in casual chitchat, but lately, a mere whispered "salam" escaped his lips before he retreated to their room. "What's going on with him?" Mariam asked Meerab, her own confusion mirroring Meerab's concern.

"Oh my God, don't ask. He's been acting so strangely. Rarely speaking, lost in his own thoughts most of the time. And when I ask him something, he just pouts and seems irritated," Meerab replied, her voice tinged with annoyance.

"That's definitely odd," Mariam chimed in.

"Do you think Uncle Shahnawaz said something to him?" Meerab contemplated aloud.

Mariam shook her head. "I doubt it. He doesn't react like this when Baba Sahab says something to him. Usually, he'd hide it, but this feels like he wants us to notice that something's wrong. Or perhaps he's just trying to get attention from you?"

Meerab let out a chuckle. "What more attention would he need from me? We share a room and talk almost all the time," she retorted.

Mariam's smile held a touch of mischief. "You know, it could be a different kind of attention he's looking for. Bhai does requires special princess treatment at times"

Mariam's statement broke the two of them in a laugh distracting Meerab from the reason behind her husband's abrupt behavior. Yet, deep within, she made a mental note to have a direct conversation with Murtasim later.


As Meerab entered their room, her eyes fell upon Murtasim sprawled on the sofa, his attention glued to his phone, radiating an air of tiredness and moodiness. It might not have seemed like the perfect timing, but the weight of his sullen demeanor had become unbearable for her. "Is there something bothering you, Murtasim?" she blurted out, her concern palpable.

"Hmm, no, not really." Murtasim replied casually, though his gaze never left his phone.

"Did Uncle Shahnawaz say something to you?" Meerab probed further, her determination to unravel his secret unwavering.

"No," came Murtasim's concise response.

"Has work been particularly stressful?" Meerab continued, hoping to navigate through the layers of his unease.

"No," Murtasim's tone remained moody and curt.

Her patience dwindled, annoyance slipping into her words. "Then what's with this mood? Why are you behaving like a hormonal teenager?"

Murtasim blinked, taken aback by her directness. "What do you mean? I'm fine," he retorted, his voice defensively neutral.

"Why this constant sulking and detachment?" Meerab pressed on, her determination beginning to match her irritation. "If something's bothering you, Murtasim, you know you can share it with me, right?"

"Yes, I know, Meerab, but I'm fine" Murtasim replied, attempting to brush aside her concern with a dismissive tone.

Meerab contemplated the idea of pressing him further, but a sense of practicality prevailed. She understood that pushing him might not provide the answers she sought. Perhaps he was struggling with something that would eventually dissipate, she reasoned, as she consciously attempted to avoid overthinking about his sudden change in behavior.

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