Chapter 22

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Since learning about Meerab's strained relationship with her parents due to their marriage, Murtasim couldn't help but ponder how to mend the fractured bonds. He felt grateful for her presence in his life, yet the weight of knowing she was pressured into this union by his father's rigid decision burdened him. Had there been more time for them to know each other, perhaps then Meerab wouldn't have clashed with her parents, and their relationship would have remained intact. But now, the cloud of insecurities enveloping Meerab, and her self-doubt in deserving love, made Murtasim's heart ache.

Murtasim knew that Uncle Waqas' love for Meerab was undeniable, and everything that unfolded had been a result of the moment's heat. He recalled the day when Uncle Waqas had entrusted him with Meerab's care before they left Lahore. His words, "Please take care of her. She's very dear to me, the only one I have," echoed in Murtasim's mind as he brainstormed ways to heal Meerab's connection with her parents. However, he felt hesitant about discussing this with her, fearing that she might misunderstand his intentions as dismissing her feelings in favor of her parents.

Lost in his thoughts, Murtasim failed to notice Meerab calling out to him. Startled, he was snapped back to reality when she interrupted his reverie.

"Murtasim!" Meerab's voice jolted him, breaking his trance.

"Huh? What?" Murtasim replied, realizing he had been absentmindedly drifting away during their conversation.

"Where are you lost? I've been trying to get your attention for a while now," Meerab huffed in exasperation.

"I'm sorry," Murtasim replied, acknowledging his lapse in attentiveness.

"I was asking for your input on how to assist the woman who came to me during the panchayat earlier today," Meerab explained. Whenever she felt stuck, she sought Murtasim's advice.

"What woman?" Murtasim asked, still somewhat preoccupied.

"Seriously, have you been hearing nothing? The woman who sought help this morning because her husband was abusing her and their children. How can we help them?" Meerab's patience wore thin.

"Ah, right. I apologize, I'm a bit distracted. Can we discuss this later?" Murtasim requested.

"What's bothering you? What's on your mind?" Meerab inquired, sensing his unrest.

"Meerab, may I ask you something?" Murtasim questioned cautiously.

"Of course," Meerab replied.

"Well, umm... Do you think you're ready to have a conversation with your parents about everything that's happened?" Murtasim's words emerged hesitantly.

"Where—where is this suddenly coming from?" Meerab's fingers fidgeted as her curiosity piqued.

"It's been on my mind for quite some time now. I feel like you should talk to your parents about this. It's been months, don't you think it's time to try and mend things with them?" Murtasim suggested, taking care with his words.

"I don't know. I'm just... I'm not sure how to deal with it," Meerab confessed.

"Meerab, I believe they deserve a chance to explain. Our marriage may have been sudden and perhaps even forced, but look at us now. We're content together and enjoy each other's company. That suggests your parents' decision wasn't entirely wrong," Murtasim expressed, as he wished that Meerab would understand his point of view and avoid any misunderstandings.

Meerab fell silent, lost in contemplation. She acknowledged Murtasim's point. They had indeed evolved into a harmonious pair, even exceeding her parents' expectations. Despite the initial reluctance, her parents had vouched for Murtasim's character, and he had proved himself to be like that. It was just the hurtful exchange of words that lingered in Meerab's heart. Meerab felt anxious but, deep down, she recognized that the time had come to gather her courage and talk to her parents. It was a step she needed for her own well-being and for her parents' sake too.

"I think you're right," she whispered softly, as if confirming her decision to herself.


Murtasim had taken care of all the arrangements. He had booked their tickets to Lahore, and the departure was just two days away. He mentioned that he had some work to tend there as well, but Meerab sensed his ulterior motive was to ensure she couldn't back out from the plan. While she packed her bag, a wave of anxiety washed over her. The mixture of fear and confusion clouded her thoughts. Was this truly the right time to confront her parents? It had been months since she last saw them or had a genuine conversation. The longing for their affection, her father's comforting embrace, and her mother's endearing scolding had grown stronger. Every aspect of her parents' presence was deeply missed by her.

As she folded her clothes and tucked her belongings into her suitcase, Meerab's mind raced with conflicting emotions. She questioned whether she was prepared to face the ghosts of the past, to bridge the gap that had formed between her and her parents. Memories of family dinners, laughter echoing through the rooms, and her parents' pride in her achievements flashed before her eyes. She had always been their precious daughter, their source of joy and pride. But the sudden whirlwind of events had caused a crack in their relationships, leaving her feeling adrift and disconnected.

Meerab took a deep breath, clutching a shirt to her chest. She acknowledged her desire to mend the broken bonds and heal the wounds that had scarred her family. The thought of embracing her parents again, of finding a way back to the warmth of their love, fueled her determination.


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