Chapter 21

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Over the span of five months, Murtasim and Meerab had grown incredibly comfortable in each other's presence. Their relationship had blossomed from cautiously sleeping with a pillow between them to warmly cuddling in each other's embrace every night. With each passing day, they discovered new facts about one another, solidifying their bond even further. Murtasim was already completely in love with Meerab, while she herself found herself falling for him gradually but deeply.

Meerab herself couldn't quite pinpointed when her attraction towards Murtasim had taken root. Maybe it was Murtasim's choice of attire that was testament to his versatility: from shawls paired with traditional shalwar kameez to effortlessly stylish casual suits that highlighted his masculine charm. The stark contrast between his elegance in daytime wear and his endearingly cute nightwear was a constant source of fascination for Meerab.

She always wondered how Murtasim could effortlessly embody both allure and adorableness. His sharp breaded jawline and rugged mustache radiated masculinity, while his soft, doe-like eyes added a touch of enchantment to his features. It was the duality of his that she deeply admired.

However, what truly tugged at Meerab's heartstrings was Murtasim's heartwarming smile. In the company of his family, particularly his father, that smile often gave way to stilled expressions. But, behind the closed doors of their private haven, Murtasim shed the mask enforced by his father's constant critiques and rigid reprimands. Witnessing him unleash his inner child, that was long suppressed by his father's authoritative demands, stirred a poignant ache within Meerab.

She couldn't help but wonder by how Murtasim had let go of his dreams, forced into a life he felt no passion for. He had been thrust into a traditional setup that didn't align with his aspirations. Despite this, Meerab admire how diligently he carried the weight placed upon his shoulders. Although his father may have disagreed, Meerab saw Murtasim's capabilities far surpassing the confines of this feudal arrangement. She recognized that he had attempted challenge the orthodox norms ingrained in the system, that made his father oblivious to his efforts. Yet, despite everything, Murtasim held his father in a high regard, never disrespecting him and the cute bond he shared with his mother and sister made Meerab cherish him even more.

Meerab never really intended to openly gawk at him, yet her eyes always seemed to possess a magnetic pull that caused her to trace his every move as he prepared to embark on his workdays. Even now, as he readied himself for an upcoming meeting, dressed in a pristine all-white suit accompanied by a perfectly pressed white shirt, Meerab's eyes couldn't resist their compulsion to steal glimpses of him.

Perched on the edge of the bed, her reflection in the mirror gave her an advantageous yet unnoticeable point to observe her husband without being caught. As he meticulously brushed his hair and tidied his beard, her gaze remained fixed upon him. The soft morning light played upon his features, highlighting the sharp lines of his jaw and the subtle play of emotions in his eyes.

Lost in the trance of her admiration, she was abruptly brought back to reality by the sound of his voice. Murtasim's gentle yet teasing words reached her ears, causing her cheeks to flare up in a shade that matched the rich hue of her red suit. Her embarrassment was as palpable as the warmth that flooded her face.

"Do I really look that good?" he playfully asked, his voice laced with teasing amusement. His eyes sparkled with a combination of bemusement and a hint of pride, clearly enjoying in her unspoken admiration.

Meerab's heart raced, and she found herself momentarily at a loss for words. The realization that he had caught her in the act of blatant staring at him was both mortifying and strangely exhilarating. "How would I know?" she said, her brows furrowed up together as she quickly grabs the nearby magazine, holding it up pretending to be engrossed in its contents.

However, Murtasim had other plans. As Meerab hid behind the magazine, he turned to her, his steps deliberate as he closed the distance between them. With a sly grin, he reached out and gently turned the magazine she was holding upside down. A playful glint danced in his eyes as he teased her, his voice tinged with mock seriousness. "You know, reading it upside down might reveal a whole new perspective, Meerab," as he broke into a chuckle.

Her cheeks further reddened as she couldn't help but let out a light awkward laugh, attempting to play it off as if she hadn't been caught in a dear-caught-in-headlights moment. "I'll go now," Murtasim announced as he moved away from her, his voice carrying a gentle teasing tone. "Don't think about me all day, or else you'll be distracted," he added with a hint of mock seriousness, ensuring his words were loud enough for her to hear.

She couldn't resist the opportunity to respond, her voice carrying a playful edge, "Keep on dreaming!" Her words were laced with a mix of jest and shyness, her heart racing as the exchange unfolded. As the door closed, she couldn't help but give herself a slight mental scolding for her blatant staring, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and shyness intertwining within her.


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