Chapter 37

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Murtasim was on a mission, a desperate quest to unearth something damning against Zain. His father had termed it a "solid proof," a weapon to finally halt the relentless march toward an ill-fated marriage cascade. Convinced of Zain's unworthiness for his sister, Murtasim sought to expose the pathetic being he believed Zain to be. Following a not-so-subtle threat, Murtasim resolved to put an end to this charade.

His investigative efforts spanned various fronts. Murtasim reached out to trusted mutual friends to get an insights in Zain's activities. He meticulously delved into the legal cases of the Hashwani family, hoping to uncover hidden skeletons. Even Bakhtu was dispatched to shadow Zain, providing an intimate look into his daily life. Yet, with only three weeks until the impending wedding, Murtasim found himself empty-handed. Anxiety gnawed at him as he struggled to safeguard his sister from what he perceived as a disastrous union.

Although they had a six years age gap between them, Mariam was his closest confidante. The age gap did little to hinder the strong bond they shared. Murtasim had sworn to shield his little sister from the world's malevolence, and he couldn't fathom delivering her into what he perceived as the hands of a devil. Zain's apparent willingness to stoop to any depths only fueled Murtasim's determination to intervene.


Meanwhile, Meerab closely observed her husband's erratic behavior. His distraction, reduced interactions, and an air of perpetual mission left her puzzled. Attempts to broach the topic were met with immediate dismissal.

"Murtasim, I know Mariam's marriage is troubling you, but I don't think Zain is as bad as you believe. I spent the day shopping with them, and he genuinely seemed interested in Mariam," Meerab offered in an attempt to bridge the growing chasm.

"I don't want to talk about it," Murtasim replied wearily, signaling his fatigue.

"Even Mariam is content with the union now. She told me herself," Meerab persisted, hoping to soften Murtasim's resolve. However, he remained unmoved, humming lightly as he retreated to the bathroom, leaving Meerab disheartened.

The air hung heavy with Murtasim's unspoken concerns. Meerab, though confused by his behavior, wasn't the sole observer of this transformation. When her father-in-law called her into his study, Meerab was more than surprised.

There hadn't been many interactions between Shahnawaz and Meerab ever since the Gaon kidnapping issue, but Shahnawaz Khan's wish to talk to her in private made her wonder what the problem was. Slowly, she knocked on the door as she made her way to his study for the first time ever. The study was filled with many books, and the dark curtains added a seriousness touch to the environment. As she approached her father-in-law, Meerab's heart rate increased unknowingly.

"Uncle Shahnawaz, did you call for me?" Meerab asked, clearing her throat. Shahnawaz Khan, sitting on the sofa, nodded and spoke, "Come, Meerab, sit here," patting the side of the sofa he occupied.

Nervously, Meerab sat down, her mind racing with thoughts, recalling any behavior that might have offended him in any way. Noticing her perplexed expression, Shahnawaz Khan lightly smiled. "I didn't call you here to lecture you, don't worry," he said, and Meerab released a breath she had unknowingly held. As she looked at him, she nodded sheepishly. "I wanted to talk to you about Murtasim actually," Shahnawaz Khan spoke, a hint of seriousness in his voice.

Meerab furrowed her brows together. "About Murtasim?" she repeated as Shahnawaz nodded.

"Yes. As you obviously know, Mariam's wedding is almost at the door. It's less than a month, but Murtasim's behavior is irking me. He seems lost, and it's almost like he's taking no interest in his sister's wedding, which is just unacceptable," Shahnawaz raised his concern as he spoke. Meerab nodded in agreement as he continued, "I know there is a stupid competition between Murtasim and Zain since childhood, but I don't want these petty things to ruin my relationship with the Hashwani's."

"I know, uncle, but it's just that Murtasim isn't really fond of Zain. Maybe there really is a reason behind it," Meerab spoke.

"Oh, it's just a petty competition because of them being the same age. Murtasim's just insecure of Zain because he was constantly compared to him in their teenage days. But I thought that they might have grown out of it, but I guess that Murtasim's still stuck there," Shahnawaz said as he shook his head in a disappointment.

There was silence between them before Shahnawaz khan continue, "you've seen Zain yourself right? He's a good boy and I wouldn't want anything bad for my daughter as well right? So I want you to talk to Murtasim about it. I'm done with his sulky attitude," Shahnawaz said, his tone a bit authoritative this time.

"I've tried uncle but Murtasim is really adamant about it," Meerab said disappointingly.

"Meerab, I chose you for Murtasim as well right? and look how it turned out to be, you two are happy together as well and I want the same thing for Mariam, so make your husband understand that as well because apparently, he only listens to you now-a-days," Shahnawaz pointed out as Meerab's cheeks reddened with embarrassment. Nodding she spoke "okay, I'll try to talk to him about it,"

"Don't just try, I want him to let go of his bratty behavior and act like an older brother and actively take part in his sister's wedding, make sure to remind him that," Shahnawaz said sternly.

Meerab nodded as she made her way out of the study trying to figure out how to convince her stubborn husband to let go of those old, long buried memories.


It was another day, and Murtasim faced yet another disappointment. Despite his relentless efforts, there was still nothing about Zain that could potentially unveil any negative intentions behind his agreement to marry Mariam. With the wedding only a few weeks away, time seemed to be slipping through Murtasim's fingers like sand. Frustration and anger clawed at him as he made his way to his room, seeking solace in the confines of his own thoughts.

As Murtasim entered their room, he was met with the eager eyes of Meerab. "Murtasim, you're back. Do you want to have dinner?" Meerab asked, concern etching her features. Murtasim, too exhausted and disheartened to entertain the idea of food, shook his head. Sensing his despondency, Meerab hesitated before asking, "are you okay?" Murtasim nodded as he noticed that Meerab looked lost in thoughts. He asked, "Is there something you want to talk about, Meerab?"

"Yeah, can you please sit down here with me?" Meerab patted the side of the bed, and Murtasim sank onto it. "Murtasim, talk to me. What's wrong? You're so lost and distant. What is this about?" Meerab inquired, her worry evident.

"It's nothing, Meerab," Murtasim replied instantly, attempting to dismiss her concerns.

"Murtasim, Uncle Shahnawaz called me to his study today, and he told me to talk to you," Meerab said, fidgeting slightly.

"About what?" Murtasim narrowed his eyes inquiring about the reason behind the meeting.

"About Mariam's wedding," Meerab whispered. Murtasim sighed and rolled his eyes in frustration. "What did he say?" he asked, clearly irritated.

"He wants you to, umm—let go of this attitude and get yourself involved in Mariam's wedding preparations," Meerab said cautiously.

"Attitude? What attitude? I'm fine!" Murtasim's frustration got the best of him as he tried to control it.

"Murtasim, please. Mariam's happy with the marriage, and everyone else is as well. Why are you overthinking this?" Meerab implored, holding Murtasim's arm.

"Because you all don't know Zain like I do! He's a bastard who wants to ruin Mariam's life just to get back at me," Murtasim snapped, his voice sharp.

Meerab was shocked. "Murtasim, are you sure? Zain doesn't seem like that. He has been quiet understanding, and is genuinely trying to make an effort for this marriage, I've seen it myself," Meerab said, her confusion apparent.

"Meerab, I don't get how he does it, but he's just bluffing. Everyone else, especially Baba Sahab, is too blind to see it, which is exactly why all of this is so frustrating," Murtasim said, his annoyance evident as he rubbed his temples.

"But, Murtasim, why would Uncle Shahnawaz want something bad for Mariam? She's his daughter, after all," Meerab said, her voice carrying hints of confusion.

"He just cares about the name tag of the Hashwani's, Meerab. Why don't you understand?" Murtasim argued.

"Murtasim, Uncle Shahnawaz isn't that stone-hearted," Meerab spoke. "I mean look at us. He even got us married. Maybe he saw something in Zain as well," she continued trying to reason with uncle Shahnawaz's decision for Mariam's marriage.

"This is different!" Murtasim raised his voice, anxiety kicking in.

"Murtasim, calm down. Why are you shouting at me?" Meerab snapped, her patience draining.

"I'm not shouting. You guys are just acting stupid. Zain isn't right for Mariam, and he's going to ruin her life!" Murtasim insisted.

"How do you know? If we're all so wrong, what is it that you can see that we don't?" Meerab said, her frustration rising.

"I—I just know it!" Murtasim stuttered. He didn't have any proof yet, but he was determined to find it. No one would believe him without evidence.

"Murtasim, please. Uncle Shahnawaz is right here, and if Mariam's content as well, you shouldn't force them," Meerab pleaded. Murtasim looked at her with disbelief. Why was she acting like that? Did she really not believe him, or was he not clear enough for her to understand?

Murtasim, unable to contain his frustration, felt the simmering anger rise within him. "Meerab, why can't you see it? I'm trying to protect Mariam from a disaster, and you're all acting like I'm the enemy here!" he exclaimed, his voice strained.

Meerab, equally exasperated, retorted, "Murtasim, I'm not saying you're the enemy, but you can't keep accusing Zain without any proof."

Murtasim's constant pressing about Zain's 'evil intentions' annoyed Meerab, as she held her ground and countered, "Murtasim, you've been in constant competition with him since childhood. Maybe that rivalry is making you see things that aren't there. Zain has been respectful and sincere throughout, I've seen it myself."

Murtasim, shocked by Meerab's words, stared at her with a mix of disbelief. " Meerab, I know Zain, and I know he's up to no good," he insisted, his voice tinged with frustration.

Having had enough of his baseless arguments, Meerab fixed him with a penetrating gaze, attempting to inject reason behind Murtasim's frustration, "Are you really sure that Zain is the bad guy or are you just letting your insecurities cloud your judgment?" The question, heavy with the skepticism that had been brewing within her for days, hung in the charged air.

The room suddenly thickened with tension as Murtasim grappled with Meerab's words. Insecurities? Did Meerab think so little of him that he would allow his insecurities to sabotage his sister's marriage? The accusation hit him unexpectedly, and he couldn't fathom that Meerab, the person he thought would understand him the most, would cast doubt on his intentions. His heart broke at his wife's harsh words, the weight of betrayal settling heavily upon him. As his gaze met Meerab's, he could see the shift in her eyes. She realized the impact of her words, but it was too late.

Swallowing the heavy lump in his throat, Murtasim turned to leave. Meerab, now aware of the gravity of her accusation, felt a surge of guilt. The situation had spiraled beyond her control. She had only intended to follow her father-in-law's instruction, not to accuse her husband. Watching Murtasim leave, she tried to stop him, "No, Murtasim, that's not what I meant," she pleaded, reaching for his arm, but he brushed her hand away.

"No, Meerab, just don't," he spoke, his voice laced with betrayal and hurt. He left her alone in their room, the echoes of their heated exchange reverberating in the space. Meerab stood there, feeling a profound sense of regret for the words that had wounded her husband. She recalled how the entire series of events unfolded, trying to understand how a simple conversation could unravel into a deeply painful confrontation.

The room, once a sanctuary, now seemed to hold the residual tension of their exchange. Meerab sank onto the bed, her thoughts heavy with the weight of their fractured communication. The gravity of her words lingered in the air, creating a rift between them that weighed heavily on her heart.

Idk why but I thought that there had been too many lovey dovey moments so this felt necessary.
Also this gave me major  "anas acha larka hai" vibes😂😂💀💀

Apologizes for any typos or errors.
Feedback is always appreciated!!!

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