Chapter 35

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With the Hashwanis' departure, a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions stormed through Murtasim's mind. How on earth could Zain, the very person he detested, become the future husband of his sweet, precious little sister? His heart churned with a chaotic mix of anger, disappointment, annoyance, irritation, confusion, and above all, profound hurt. He couldn't believe how his parents had neglected to involve him in any discussion regarding Mariam's marriage. Did they believe he had no say in his sister's life? Did they think his opinion didn't matter at all? Though he wasn't certain his input would change anything, he still yearned to be part of the conversation.

Amidst this tumultuous sea of thoughts, another question struck him like a lightning bolt: Had they even asked Mariam for her consent in this matter? The idea of his sister's life being manipulated without her agreement filled him with a burning sense of injustice. She was still so young, and the responsibilities of marriage were immense. Was she truly ready to shoulder this burden?

Murtasim's mind teetered on the brink of overwhelming confusion. As soon as the Hashwanis departed, he turned towards his parents, determined to voice his concerns.

"What is all of this about? Why didn't you inform me about any of this?" Murtasim asked, his voice heavy with a mix of emotions.

"We're sorry we didn't inform you earlier, Murtasim," Maa Begum replied, her expression betraying a trace of guilt over her husband's decision to keep Murtasim out of the loop until everything was settled.

"I don't want apologies. I want to know how you could even consider marrying off Mariam; she's still so young," Murtasim declared, his gaze shifting towards Mariam, who sat silently beside Meerab.

"She's already 21, Murtasim, and we thought it was the right time to find a suitable match for her," his mother responded calmly, attempting to soothe Murtasim's rising agitation. His father, however, remained conspicuously silent.

Murtasim's frustration simmered beneath the surface, but he couldn't help but question the rationale behind their decision. He gazed at Mariam, his younger sister, her expression a mixture of uncertainty and resignation.

"But did anyone even bother to ask Mariam if she's ready for this?" Murtasim pressed further, his concern for his sister evident in his voice.

His mother exchanged a worried glance with his father, who finally decided to break his silence. "Murtasim, we have discussed this with Mariam, and she's willing to go along with it. We believe it's the right time for her to start a new chapter in her life," he explained, trying to convey a sense of conviction.

Murtasim's brows knitted together as he struggled to process his father's assertion. Mariam had agreed to this? Why would she willingly choose to marry someone she barely knew? These perplexing thoughts consumed him as he continued to voice his concerns.

"But why Zain? Him and Mariam aren't compatible. He's just—he is not a suitable match for Mariam," Murtasim said, his voice tinged with exasperation.

His father, sounding somewhat disinterested in the conversation, asked, "Why? What's wrong with Zain?"

Murtasim's frustration was palpable as he replied, "Zain is just... he has a bad reputation. Those cases filed against him that he got out of so easily because of his father's name, the talks of him being a wild party animal, and his supposed habit of drinking—does that mean nothing to you, Baba Sahab?"

His father attempted to dismiss Murtasim's worries, stating, "Murtasim, those are merely rumors, nothing more. I've watched Zain grow up, and he's a good young man. Mariam would be happy with him."

Murtasim was far from convinced. "But you don't know him like I do. He has been like that since childhood, he isn't what he portrays to be, and I can't let you guys ruin Mariam's life like that!" he exclaimed, his voice rising.

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