Chapter 28

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It had been a week since their 'date' together, that had been dreamy but after Murtasim's confession, Meerab found herself lost in thoughts. It wasn't like Meerab didn't feel anything towards Murtasim. It was quite the contrary, in fact. She cared deeply about him, and being with him made her happy. There was an undeniable comfort that enveloped her in his presence. But the issue at hand was her lack of experience in matters of the heart. Her life had been a relentless pursuit of education and career, leaving little room for romance. She had never ventured into the realm of relationships before. Sure, she had felt attraction to guys in the past, but they were often fictional characters from books or movies, or perhaps distant celebrities, never a flesh-and-blood person standing right before her.

The question that gnawed at her was whether what she felt for Murtasim was love or not. Could the care and affection she held in her heart be reduced to something as fleeting as a crush? Or was the profound sense of comfort she found with him simply akin to the camaraderie of friends? But she couldn't label it as friendship, not when it came to Murtasim especially after his chaotic outburst for being referred as a "friend". Meerab knew that he was more than just a friend. His feelings for her ran deep, that much was evident. As she gently traced her fingers over the necklace he had gifted her, a thoughtful look washed over her face. But did she share the same sentiments as well?

Amidst this whirlwind of emotions, Meerab struggled with the dilemma of her own heart. A part of her felt guilty for not giving Murtasim an immediate answer, especially after all the effort he had put into arranging such a beautiful moment for her. But, his words had provided her with an unexpected sense of solace. "I'll be here, waiting, no matter how long it takes," he had assured her. Those words had been like a balm, soothing her worries and relieving the pressure to decide then and there.

Murtasim, she realized, was a rare gem, a one-in-a-million find. Gratitude welled up within her for the patience and understanding he showed her. Their connection was something she couldn't easily dismiss or define, and that complexity only deepened her intrigue. Meerab knew that she needed time to unravel her feelings, to understand what this budding connection truly meant.

However, in the days that followed, Meerab couldn't help but feel an unexpected shyness creep over her whenever she was around Murtasim. Especially since the haveli was empty, leaving the two of them together most of the time, alone. Simple activities like having dinner together, sharing a quiet night's sleep, or watching a movie took on an entirely new dimension. What had once been perfectly normal for her suddenly sent her cheeks flushing with warmth.

Their conversations, which had been effortless and light-hearted before, now carried a weight of unspoken words. Each moment with him was colored by the memory of his heartfelt confession, those three powerful words that had left an indelible mark on her heart: "I'm in love with you." Those words had ignited a spark within her, awakening emotions she had never fully explored. The tension between them had started to become too much to bear.

So when one fine night, Murtasim received a call from Maa Begum, with an invitation that brought a breath of relief to Meerab. They were invited for dinner at Murtasim's Khala's house. The prospect of an outing seemed like a much-needed respite, a chance to clear her mind and perhaps dispel some of the lingering awkwardness between her and Murtasim.


Meerab had already sorted her outfit for the daily. She didn't wanted to wear anything too heavy due to the travelling but then again, this was the first time that they had been invited to Murtasim's extended family's house so it felt like an important event. So as Meerab got dressed, she wanted to look her best. She curled her hair and applied some makeup. She choose a elegant attire, a mint green silk straight shirt adorned with intricate sitra pearl work. The accompanying silk pant and dupatta with the same pearl work on its borders complemented the ensemble flawlessly. The dress was stunning, hugging her figure perfectly, but there was one problem: the zipper refused to budge beyond her shoulder blades.

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