Chapter 27

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Murtasim knew that he could no longer delay the confession he had been holding back for months now. Those three powerful words lingered on the tip of his tongue, begging to be released every time his gaze met Meerab's. He had already fallen head over heels for her, but it wasn't just love that bound him anymore; it was something deeper and purer, something poets referred to as "ishq." His feelings for Meerab had evolved from being a mere attraction, to a profound, all-encompassing love that now had the power to potentially end up consuming all his being.

This transformation might have been by the way Meerab had comforted him, cared for him, and cradled him during a severe panic attack, a recurring struggle he had kept hidden for years. It was in her tender support that Murtasim had found a new level of connection, one that surpassed the boundaries of ordinary love. Even the thought of losing her was an unbearable weight on his heart, and the idea of a life without her was inconceivable. She had become an integral part of his soul, and if she were ever to depart from his life, he believed that death would be the only means of coping with the loss.

Murtasim realized that these overwhelming emotions could no longer be contained. He needed to express the depth of his feelings to Meerab. He had carefully chosen the perfect gift for her and had envisioned the ideal setting, but the timing had been the only puzzle piece left to figure out.

However, a stroke of luck smiled upon Murtasim when his father mentioned that he, along with his mother and Mariyam, would be heading to the gaon for a few days. Murtasim instantly knew that this was the perfect time to confess his feelings to Meerab.

With this plan in mind, Murtasim prepared himself for the heartfelt confession that had been building within him. The stage was set, and he was determined to make this moment a beautiful and unforgettable one, for he knew that his "ishq" for Meerab was a force that could not be denied any longer.


With his family's departure to the gaon, Murtasim and Meerab found themselves in the quiet, cozy living room of their home. The soft glow of the lamp bathed the room in a warm, intimate ambiance, casting soft shadows that danced on the walls. They sat close, their silences comfortable and their hearts at peace.

Murtasim, determined but nervous, cleared his throat in an attempt to overcome the anxiousness in his heart. His eyes met Meerab's, where he found an inviting and tender gaze that encouraged him. Taking a deep breath, he ventured forth, his voice trembling with both anticipation and vulnerability.

"Meerab," he began, "I've been meaning to talk to you about something for a while now." His fingers fidgeted with the edge of his shirt as he spoke.

Meerab shifted her focus entirely to him, her lips curving into a curious and encouraging smile. "What is it, Murtasim?"

Their eyes locked in a moment filled with unspoken emotions. "Meerab," he continued, "would you fancy going on a date with me?"

Meerab chuckled playfully in response. "A date?" she teased, her voice lighthearted. "Hmm, I'd have to think about it. You know, I have a very busy schedule," she joked, her eyes twinkling mischievously.

Murtasim couldn't help but smile at her playful banter. "Do you really enjoy teasing me this much? I'm serious. It's nothing too extravagant. Just a small date, in our backyard," he explained earnestly.

"Alright, alright," Meerab relented, her laughter still lingering in her eyes. "I'd love to."

"Great!" Murtasim's excitement was palpable. "But you can't come to our room; I have to set up things. Since it's a surprise, you'll have to get ready in the other guestroom."

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