Chapter 12

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As Murtasim entered their room, he spotted Meerab sitting on the bed, nervously fidgeting with the edge of her dupatta. Her presence surprised him, and he remarked, "You're still up? I told you I'd be late," his voice mellow as he headed towards the bathroom to change. However, his progress halted as Meerab's voice reached his ears.

"Where have you been?" she asked, her voice trembling with nervousness.

"What?" Murtasim inquired, unsure if he had heard correctly.

"Where have you been?" Meerab repeated, her tone more forceful this time.

"I had some matters to attend to," Murtasim responded, a hint of confusion tingeing his words at her unexpected confrontation.

"What kind of matters kept you out till midnight, Murtasim?" she pressed, her insecurities starting to surface.

"Are you doubting me, Meerab?" Murtasim asked, his confusion giving way to a touch of frustration.

"I don't know. You've been gone since noon, and now it's midnight. I just want to know what could possibly take so long," Meerab's voice carried an edge, her insecurities beginning to consume her.

"Are you serious right now? I've returned after a long, stressful day, and you're grilling me about where I've been? Where is this lack of trust coming from?" Murtasim's own irritation was palpable.

"I'm your wife, Murtasim. I have every right to know where you've been," Meerab asserted firmly, her eyes betraying her doubts as they locked onto his.

"Ah, so now you want to embrace the role of a wife?" Murtasim scoffed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Meerab's tone held offense.

"I've been trying to address this sudden change in your behavior, attempting to understand what's bothering you. But you've shut me out, ignored me, all for something I'm not even aware of. And now, after a month of avoiding me, you've suddenly decided to act like my wife," Murtasim's frustration burst forth. The accumulated tension in the air had become too much to bear.

"Oh excuse me for not being lovey dovey, Murtasim, when we barely even know each other. This marriage was arranged – how else did you expect me to react?" Meerab's voice grew louder, her emotions evident in her words.

"Well, in case you've forgotten, I was just as unfamiliar with this marriage as you were, Meerab. But at least I was making an effort to make things work. Unlike you, who's been sulking around all day," Murtasim's words rushed out, his patience reaching its limits. The gravity of the situation was lost on him as the conversation took a serious turn.

The room fell into a heavy silence, punctuated only by the tears that welled up in Meerab's eyes. Murtasim's heart sank as he realized the impact of his words. As he stepped closer to her, her voice quivering under the weight of her emotions "No! Go away," she commanded, blocking Murtasim's approach, as she took a deep breath, fighting to hold back her tears.

Murtasim felt the urge to approach her, apologize, hold her close, but he sensed that the moment wasn't right. So instead he quietly retreated into the bathroom, his heart heavy with remorse. As he closed the door behind him, he leaned against the sink, attempting to process the abrupt and intense exchange that had just unfolded.


A whirlwind of emotions engulfed Meerab. Hurt, anger, confusion – they all mingled within her, creating a storm that she struggled to navigate. She didn't wanted this conversation to take a negative turn. She just wanted to talk to Murtasim and address the whole Haya issue but she didn't realize when things accelerated.

Meerab felt hurt and confused by Murtasim's words. His accusations were far from true. She wanted to give a chance marriage as much as he did, but the echoes of Haya's remarks lingered in her mind. Murtasim's peculiar behavior around Haya had sown seeds of doubt, suggesting that there might have been more between them. This uncertainty caused Meerab to build walls around herself as she couldn't bear the thought of another heartbreak.

Murtasim's tone during their argument only intensified her anxiety. It seemed as if he, too, was growing tired of her attitude, implying that she might be a nuisance to him. These thoughts raced through her mind, intertwining with the recollection of her father's harsh words: "We have provided for you, cared for you, fulfilled your every wish. And this is how you repay us? I guess allowing you to study law was a mistake!" She really was ungrateful, she realized. Despite their kindness and care, she felt she had let them down time and again.

Murtasim's patience and understanding had been unwavering, his respect for her boundaries evident. He had never sought to breach the walls she had created around herself. And yet, she had spent much of her time being, in his words, "sulky." These realizations fanned the flames of her self-directed anger. The chain of events she had set in motion – pushing her parents away, and now doing the same with Murtasim – fueled her frustration. She began to doubt if she truly deserved any of the love and care she had received.

A storm of emotions raged within her as she lay down on the bed, her tears dampening the pillow beneath her head. The room seemed to close in on her, overwhelmed by the weight of her thoughts and emotions. Amidst the whirlwind of self-blame and confusion, Meerab struggled with her own inner turmoil, hoping to find some semblance of clarity amidst the chaos.


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